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ןיקלאוו םייח ברה
םייח תעד רפס
םייח תעד רפס
ונתב תמשנ יוליעל שדקומ its life’s lessons. Rabbi Chaim Walkin’s, Shlita, sefer Da’at Chaim
ה"ע הדירפ תב לזמ is an exquisite composition of Song to Hashem, an expression of
gratitude to the Creator and a guide to bonding to Him and His holy
Torah. The heart of Torah is the Mussar which is essential to life,
This sefer is dedicated
Le’Iluy Nishmat our daughter as without the Torah’s Mussar we are vulnerable to the influence of
Mazal Bat Frieda A"H society’s secular values and the daily assault of social media
Sefer Da’at Chaim is structured in eight themes comprising forty-three
short essays addressing man’s relationship with himself, with G-d, and
with his fellow man: themes like prayer, wisdom and knowledge, and
A Remembrance of Mazal G-d’s personal guidance in our lives. With Rabbi Walkin’s permission
on her fifteenth yortzeit we added three ma’amarim to this sefer which he composed as part
of his Elul lectures appearing in Kuntres Kol M’Heichal. Elul is the
A woman’s role in life is to actively partner with HaKadosh Baruch month when we are closest to G-d, aptly described by the mnemonic
Hu in sustaining His world by building a family in great modesty, Elul \ לולא, I am to my Beloved, and my Beloved is to me \ ידודל ינא
joyfully nurturing all of its members and implanting within them יל ידודו. The Song of these three essays is a loving dialog between us
lasting values of Torah and Chessed. That constant effort spans an and our Creator.
entire lifetime; nothing comes without her investment of time and
total involvement. Her fulfillment comes from encouraging her
husband to grow and from the pleasure at watching her children A note about the origins of the translation of Sefer Da’at Chaim:
mature with a sense of happiness and stability that will give them Twenty years ago (5761) my son Rabbi David Aharon Levy was a
the ability to deal with all of life’s challenges. bachur studying in Yeshivat Mikdash Melech in the Bayit VeGan
section of Yerushalayim. He attended one of Rabbi Walkin’s shiurm,
Mazal fulfilled this role and more during her 34 years. She had a
joy for life that anchored her family and touched everyone because a va’ad held in his home, and at the end of the va’ad Rabbi Walkin
she sincerely loved and cared for them, and in turn they all loved gave David an autographed copy of his sefer. At the end of his years
her. She was the ultimate giver, always pleasant and helpful, always of study in Yerushalayim David returned home with the sefer.
accepting Hashem’s will without any expression of personal need or Five years ago I came across the sefer on a shelf in our library and began
hardship, with charm and grace, with humor and a fierce dedication looking through it, and liked what I was reading. The sefer appealed
for the well being of her young children. With absolute faith in to me and I wanted to share its content with some of my friends. In my
Hashem she never worried about tomorrow; she was focused on spare time I would translate an essay and give the manuscript to some
today and on the good that could be done today. She knew better of the men in our shiur and the men I work with who reviewed it and
than most of us that life is precious and she would strive not to offered their editorial suggestions. Some edits were incorporated into
waste a moment of it. She was a living Kiddush Hashem and an the text, and the essay was printed and distributed to our family and
example of how we all should lead our lives.
circle of friends. That became a daily routine for several years, and
Mazal was born on the 27 of Nissan 5732
Mazal’s neshamah returned home on the 27 of Elul 5766. that the soul is called דובכ because its only function is to give ‘glory’ to G-d.
(Metzudat Tehilim – Rabbi Avrohom Davis)