Page 19 - DAAT HAIM-1
P. 19

Rabbi Chaim Walkin
                                 Sefer Da’at Chaim

                      Introduction to the translationof Sefer Da’at Chaim
            during that time when Rabbi Walkin visited Brooklyn I went to listen
            to his shiurim, and gave him copies of the some of the printed essays.
            The Rabbi befriended me and we developed a cordial relationship,
            meeting him in his home in Bayit VeGan and in his son’s Brooklyn
            home during his trips to America.  During those years, and especially
            during the year of Covid-isolation the translation of the entire sefer
            was completed including the three ma’amarim from Rabbi Walkin’s
            Elul lectures.

            A word about the sefer’s cover: Three years ago, two of my grandsons
            Sholomo Abady and Yedidya Levy were bachurim learning in the
            Ramat Shlomo section of Yerushalayim in Yeshivat Yesod HaTorah.                                    Dedicated in loving memory of
            The  boys went  to  a  va’ad  in  Rabbi  Walkin’s home  and  Yedidya                                    our beloved children,
            snapped a picture of the Rabbi giving his shiur.  The picture hangs on
            the wall in our library, and with the Rabbi’s permission it appears on
            the cover of this translation.  Amazing!  Hashem’s personal Providence                                   our dear daughter
            spanning generations is amazing; from my son David’s chance visit to                        Mazal Abady Bat Yedidya and
            the Rabbi’s va’ad (David went at the urging of his friend), to coming
            across the Rabbi’s sefer in my library and meeting the Rabbi, and later                                 Frieda Levy A”H
            my grandsons going to listen to his shiur and snapping his picture.
            בוט יכ 'הל ודוה, a Song to truly sing.
                                                                                                                 and our precious grandson
                                                                                                        Yosef Ben Eliyahu and Sarah
            Some incidental notes by Rebbetzin Henny Walkin: Rabbi Walkin’s
            father Rabbi Shmuel David Walkin Z”L studied in the Radin Yeshiva                                            Levy Z”L
            for fourteen years under his rebbe the Chafetz Chayim.  Some of his
            notes on the Chafetz Chayim’s lectures were compiled by the Walkin
            family, and in 5771 they were published in a sefer entitled    הביבש
            רוא (Sheviveh Ohr), followed soon afterwards by the publication of
            English translation of the sefer under the title “Sparks of Lights.”
            Rabbi Walkin’s mother Tzivia is the granddaughter of the Gaon Rabbi
            Moshe Londinsky who was the head of the Radin Yeshiva.  She lived
            with her grandfather in the same building as the Chafetz Chayim and
            for years they would eat their Shabbos meals with the Chafetz Chayim.

            This wedding celebration photo appears in sefer Sheviveh Ohr.  Seated
            at the head of the table is the Rosh of the Radin Yeshiva, the Gaon

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