Page 24 - DAAT HAIM-1
P. 24
ןיקלאוו םייח ברה
םייח תעד רפס
Rabbi Yosef Harari-Raful םינינעה ןכות
Yeshivat Ateret Torah
901 Quentin Rd.
Brooklyn, NY 11223 ןושאר ךרכ
To the esteemed 2 ............................................................................................................................ ךָיֶיּ ַח ְבּ ה ֶא ְר ִתּ ךָ ְמ ָלוֹע | ׳א ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
Rabbi Chaim Walkin, shlitah
Mashgiach, Yeshivat Ateret Yisrael 20...םי ִשׁ ֵגּ ְר ֶה ַה ְו תוּיּ ִמי ִנ ְפּ ַה ַחוּתּ ִפּ - ר ָסוּמּ ַה ת ַדוֹב ֲע שׁ ֶרֹשׁ | ׳ב ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
38............................................................................................ה ָרוֹתּ ַה ןַי ְנ ִק | ג ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
I wish to thank you for presenting me with your worthy book, The
World Within. As I have promised, I reviewed it and found it to be 58....................................הּ ָמ ְצ ַע י ֵנ ְפ ִבּ ה ָר ָטּ ַמ - ה ָרוֹתּ ַה ל ַמ ֲע | ׳ד ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
gratifying, containing within its pages valuable concepts and precious
thoughts. Your aim is discovering the hidden meaning and point of
mussar thought in the words of Chazal this is a basic way of study, 66..................................................................................ה ָרוֹתּ ַה תוּנוֹי ְל ֶע | ה ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
penetrating their depths and uncovering the mussar essence in their
words. 78..........................................................................................ה ָרוֹתּ ַבּ הָיּ ִל ֲע | ו ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
This is the purpose of Hashem’s ways with His creations, to
challenge and direct them, and to form their spiritual identity. 88.............................................................................םִי ַמ וּק ֲח ָשׁ םי ִנ ָב ֲא | ז ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
Thanks to the esteemed Rabbi Walkin who has contributed an
additional faced to mussar literature and a valuable gem to the age- 100 .....................לוֹד ָגּ ם ָד ָא ה ֶשׂ ֲע ַנּ ֶשׁ דֹמ ְל ִל ךְ ֵלוֹה ַבּ ךְ ֶר ֶדּ | ח ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
od Jewish heritage. May Hashem grant you much success in your
worthy endeavor to further knowledge and mussar in the Hewish 112 ......................................םי ִשׂ ֲע ַמּ ַה ל ַע תי ִל ָל ְכּ ַה ה ָפ ָק ְשׁ ַה ַה | ט ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
Very respectfully yours and in friendship, 120 ........................................תוּאי ִצ ְמּ ַה ת ֶא ת ַע ַבוֹק ה ָט ָל ְח ַה ַה | י ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
(Rabbi) Yosef Harari Raful
Cheshvan 5759
126 .............................ה ָרוֹתּ ַבּ הָיּ ִל ֲע ַל םי ִעְיּ ַס ְמ ףוּגּ ַה תוֹחֹכּ | אי ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
The Rosh Yeshiva’s approbation to the first English rendering
of Sefer Da’at Chaim. 136 .......................................................................ה ָל ֲע ַמּ ַה ךְ ֶר ֵע תוּה ַמ | בי ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
144 ......ה ָרוֹתּ ַה ת ַל ָבּ ַק ְל ה ָנ ָכ ֲה ַה - ר ֶמֹע ָה ת ַרי ִפ ְס י ֵמְי | גי ר ָמ ֲא ַמ
162 ....................................................................וֹר ָצוֹא אי ִה 'ה ת ַא ְרִי | די ר ָמ ֲא ַמ