Page 20 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 20

PRESERVING                                              For several months, Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann,
                                                                  founder of Hope Chapel Ministries has provided a venue
                                                                  for education and discussion of black heritage and its
         BLACK                                                    impact on the United States and the world.

                                                                  BRO WILLIAM DESUE

         HISTORY                                                  QHow have you become more knowledgeable about your

                                                                  A: ”Heritage night has meant a great deal to me. It has

          FEBRUARY 2016                                           opened my eyes with respect to the struggles our an-
                                                                  cestors had to endure and survive. Knowing our history
                                                                  makes me more aware of racism we are faced with
          “Philosophers have long con-
          ceded that every man has two                            Q: How has it made a difference in your life?

          educations: “that which is given                        A: I know the history of slavery and Jim Crow and the
          to him, and the other which he                          importance of voting because when you don’t get out
                                                                  and vote you can’t have a voice in our future.
          gives himself”

                                      FIRST BLACK WOMAN TO SERVE IN THE
                                      UNITED STATES CONGRESS AND THE                SHIRLEY CHISHOLM
                                      FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN TO
                                      RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 1972.

                                        Shirley Chisholm was a pioneering African-American politician, who became
                                        the first Black woman to serve in the United States Congress. Chisholm was
                                        also the first African American woman to run for president, in 1972. She ran
                                        for Presidency with the slogan, “Unbought and Unbossed.” Chisholm, who
                                        died in 2005, received a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom, in No-
                                        vember 2015.

                                             FATHER OF THE UNDERGROUND
         WILLIAM STILL                       RAILROAD

          William Still was an African-American abolitionist, conductor on the
          Underground Railroad, writer, historian and civil rights activist. As
          chairman of the Vigilance Committee of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery
          Society, he directly aided fugitives and kept records of their lives, to
          help families reunite after the Maafa (slavery) was abolished. After the
          American Civil War, he published his diary as The Underground Railroad
          Records, in 1872. Still was also one of the most successful Black business-
          men in the history of the City of Philadelphia.

                                         INVENTOR OF THE SUPER  SOAKER         LONNIE JOHNSON

                                         Lonnie George Johnson is an African American inventor and engineer
                                         who holds more than 80 patents. Johnson is best known for inventing
                                         the Super Soaker water gun, which has ranked among the world’s top
                                         20 best-selling toys every year since its release.

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