Page 21 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 21

ED BRADLEY                          JOURNALIST & ONE OF THE
                                                                              1ST AFRICAN AMERICANS TO
                                        Ed Bradley was best known for 26      BREAK INTO NETWORK TV
                                        years of award-winning work on 60     NEWS
                                        Minutes. During his career he cov-
                                        ered the fall of Saigon, the 1st Black    He received the Peaboby, the
                                        TV correspondent to cover the         NABJ Lifetime Achievement
                                        White House, and anchored CBS         Award, 19 Emmys and others.
                                        Sunday Nights with Ed Bradley.

           ATTORNEY PREACHER                       FRED DAVIS GRAY
                                                   of the National Bar Associ-
           Fred Davis Gray is an attorney,         ation in 1985 and in 2002
           preacher and former elected offi-       was elected as the first
           cial who defended Rosa Parks and        African-American President
           led a number of Alabama key cas-        of the Alabama State Bar.
           es during the Civil Rights Move-
           ment. He served as the President

                                          ALEXA CANADY                        THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN
                                                                              FEMALE NEUROSURGEON
                                          Dr. Alexa Canday is a medical
                                          doctor  specialising  in  pediatric   first female African American neu-
                                          neurosurgery. Her areas of exper-   rosurgeon in the United States. She
                                          tise include spinal abnormalities,   is also the first African-American
                                          congenital spinal abnormalities,    board-certified neurosurgeon.
                                          hydrocephalus  and  also  trauma
                                          and brain tumors. In 1981, Alexa
                                          Candy became the

           WIN AN EMMY AWARD

                                               Gail Fisher was the first African
                                               American to win an Emmy
                                               Award on June 7, 1970.

                                          JESSE LeROY BROWN                   FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN
                                                                              NAVAL AVIATOR IN THE
                                                                              UNITED STATES NAVY
                                          Jesse LeRoy Brown became the
                                          first African American naval avia-
                                          tor in the United States Navy.

                                                                                       LOH Magazine / February 2016  21
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