Page 26 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 26
by Jackie Perry
In the wake of Liberia’s 14 years of wife almost ten years ago through our
civil war and its remarkable journey Internet Ministry. We follow the min-
to recovery, there stands a beacon of istry as it has grown and continues to
hope for children. These are children defy odds as it ministers to the com-
who have been left without mothers munity and particularly to the children
and fathers and who often are with- and orphans that seek its support.
out needed protection from poverty
and disease. Like Apostle Vann, Pastor “We can make a difference in the lives
Boniface and Garmai Diggs had a of students both domestically and
passion for children and saw the dire internationally, says Dr. Vann. “There-
need for education in their country. fore, we will continue to forge a strong
Therefore, it is no surprise or coinci- mission ministry partnership with the
dence that Hope Chapel Ministries Hope Mission Church in Liberia”.
would be joined with the Hope Mis- Hope Chapel Ministries help provide
sion Church in Liberia to help support needed funding to aid in the educa-
and foster ministry and education in tion and care of children at the School.
Africa. These funds provide tuition, books,
supplies and building materials for
The Hope Mission School was repairs and construction.
founded by Pastor Boniface Diggs to
provide education to orphans and “We are extremely grateful for the
unprivileged children in the Bernard support of Pastor Vann and the Hope
Farm Community in Paynesville, Libe- Chapel family”, says Pastor Diggs,
ria. Hope Chapel Ministries became founder and principal.
acquainted with Pastor Diggs and his
Hope Chapel Ministries help pro-
vide needed funidng to aid in the
education and care of children at
the Hope Mission School. These
funds provide tuition, ma-
terials and struction
The Hope Mission
Church and School
was established in
2007 by Rev. Boni-
face Diggs and Moth-
er Garmai Diggs in
the Barnerd Farm
Community, Mon-
rovia- Liberia. They
are presently giving
hope to the hope-
less and making ev-
ery child a winner.
Hope Mission Church in Liberia
Pastor Boniface Diggs & Mother Garmai
Diggs, founders, Hope Mission School
26 LOH Magazine / February 2016