Page 28 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 28
Psalms 107: 11-12
11 Because they rebelled against God’s commands and despised
the plans of the Most High.
12 So he subjected them to bitter labor; they stumbled, and there
was no one to help.
In Psalms 107:11-12, the bible talks What will the next generation be like
about how the children of Israel re- when they stand up in the pulpit and
belled against God in their heart, and start preaching? Who will stand and
forgot about all the miracles He had cry holy or say amen? We don’t want
done for them. They were saying one to paint a picture and make every-
thing, but actually believing something thing acceptable in the church, when
else. As a result of their rebellious spir- it comes to sin. Never send out the
it, they lost a generation. They were wrong message to our children.
told over and over again by God, not to
make the same mistakes their ances- We want to leave a legacy of good for
tors made, by not following the true our next generation to remember af-
and the living God. It is our responsi- ter we are long gone-- something that
bility to make sure truth is put into our will be good for them.
next generation. Let them know that Legacy for the next generation should
they need to rise up and talk to God be backed up with the history of God’s The Next Generation
about anything, and let their request faithfulness. Take Joshua for exam- of Church Leaders
be known unto God. God will be the ple: He made sure that his wife and
only one they can trust in any situa- children had the same truth that was Teaching our children
tion. The truth must be put back in our locked down in him. His word from the godly principles
children, so they can have the mind God was, “Choose you this day whom and precepts of God’s
of Christ, and not get the mind of the ye will serve, as for me and my house word is not optional; it
devil. we will serve the Lord”. is a commandment He
has given to His people.
The new generation is getting further Parents we are to be the Joshuas of What God commands,
away from righteousness and em- today. Don’t be afraid to teach children He gives grace to fulfill.
bracing everything that is despicable. the principles of God, because they are What we do now will
Let them know why you are serving the next generation of God. determine how the next
the true and living God and what he is generation will be.
to your life. Tell your children why you Translated byI. TURNER
stand on God’s promise even when
things don’t go the way you want it
to go. God is holding us responsible
for everything that we brought into
the world. They are our seed and we
have a responsibility to our children.
Iris Turner is a member of the Light-
house of Hope Magazine staff and a
“Choose you this day whom regular contributor to the writing staff.
ye will serve, as for me and
my house we will serve the
28 LOH Magazine / February 2016