Page 24 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 24

                                                LEADER OF THE MAROONS IN
           QUEEN NANNY (MARRONNS)               JAMAICA

           Queen Nancy was a leader of the Maroons in Jamaica. The Ma-
           roons were considered defiant Jamaican slaves who fled from the
           oppressive plantations and formed their own community in the
           hills. As a revolt leader, Nanny aided in the defeat of the British
           army in several battles.  Over a 50 year span, Nanny has been
           credited with freeing over 800 slaves. The government of Jamaica
           declared Nanny a National Heroine in 1976. He portrait graces the
           $500 Jamaican dollar bill.

                                               AN AMERICAN ARCHITECT                  HARVEY BERNARD
                                               AND DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN              GANTT-CHARLOTTE
                                               ACTIVE IN NORTH CAROLINA

                                                 Harvey Bernard Gantt-Charlotte the first African-American student
                                                 to be admitted to Clemson University, he graduated with honors
                                                 in architecture, earned a master’s at MIT, and established a practice
                                                 in Charlotte with a partner. Gantt entered local politics, where he
                                                 was elected to t he city council, serving from 1974 to 1983. He
                                                 was elected to two terms as the first black Mayor of Charlotte
                                                 from1983 to 1987.

          QUEEN CHARLOTTE                      QUEEN CHARLOTTE WAS THE
                                               FIRST BLACK QUEEN OF EN-

          Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, was married to King
          George III. Although many argue over Queen Charlotte’s ambig-
          uous racial background, it was discovered that she was direct
          descent of Margarita de Castro y Sousa, a Black branch of the
          Portuguese Royal family. Throughout history many have com-
          mented that she had Black/African features, and her beauty and
          her mixed heritage was eloquently captured in a poem written

                                          FIRST BLACK WOMAN AS A MAIN          UHURA
                                          CHARACTER; AN OFFICER ON THE
                                          BRIDGE OF A STAR SHIP

                                          Uhura an officer on the bridge of a Star Ship! Fed up with the harass-
                                          ment, culminating with her learning that the studio was whitholding
                                          her fan mail, Nichelle Nichols (the actor playing Uhura) submitted
                                          her resignation. She withdrew it when Martin Luther King personally
                                          convinced her that her role was too important as a breakthrough to
                                          leave, because there were millions of girls, both black and white, who
                                          wanted to be commanders on a Bridge.

       24 LOH Magazine / February 2016
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