Page 14 - News On 7 May 2024
P. 14

Quinte  Waste  Solutions  is  hosting  a  mobile
      hazardous and electronic waste event in Marmora
      and Lake this Saturday, May 4th, 2024, from 9 a.m.
      - 2 p.m., at 28 Victoria St.!

      Welcome  To  Booster  Park's  2024  Season                                       On May 5, 2024, join us for Day of
      Manager                                                                          Action  on  Litter  in  Marmora  &
      Congratulations  to  EJ  Maintenance  (Joan                                      Lake!    Choose  an  area,  grab  your
      Levere and Eddie Van Allen) who have been                                        bags and gloves at the Town Hall
      hired  by  the  Municipality,  on  contract,  to                                 office, the Marmora & Lake Public
      manage  Booster  Park  for  the  2024  camping                                   Library, or the municipal Tourism
      season!                                                                          Centre...and  go!  Our  community
      Joan  and  Eddie  are  both  very  familiar  with                                belongs  to  all  of  us  –  let’s  help
      the  park  and  the  local  area,  having  been                                  keep it clean!
      summer residents at the park for the past 4                                      For  more  details,  please  visit  our
      years, as well as both being lifelong residents of the area. With their years of  website:
      combined experience, they are sure to be an asset, and contribute much to a
      successful season at the park.                                                   ofactiononlitter
      All  related  questions  and  requests  can  now  be  directed  to  Joan.  She  can  be
      reached by phone at 705-741-9638, and by email at
      New  bookings  for  the  2024  season  can  be  made  online,  here.  Please  note  that  is  the  only  online  booking  platform  being  used  by  the
      Municipality for Booster Park bookings.

      Notice of Construction
      Please  note  that  GFL  Environmental  Inc.  of  Port  Perry,  Ontario  will  be
      undertaking flushing, closed-circuit television (CCTV) and rehabilitation repairs
      in the sanitary network on behalf of the Municipality of Marmora & Lake.
      This  first  phase  of  the  contract  involves  maintenance  by  using  high  pressure
      flushing and routine assessment using CCTV inspections trucks on the sanitary
      sewer network.
      During sewer flushing operations there can be air pressure that may travel up
      the  sanitary  service  lateral  to  the  house/building.  A  well  installed  ventilation
      system is designed to dissipate this pressure. The work should not impact you or
      cause any disruption to service but there is a small chance that noise and odours
      may  occur.  As  a  precaution  we  advise  the  following  while  work  is  being
      • Close toilets lids during the times when they are not being used.
      • Flush toilets after every use.                                               On  May  5,  2024,  join  us  for  Day  of
      •  To  prevent  odours,  pour  2  liters  of  water  into  infrequently  used  plumbing
      fixtures (sinks, drains, etc) to ensure the trap is full.                      Action on Litter in Marmora & Lake!
      There  is  no  action  required  on  your  part  and  this  notice  is  to  advise  of  the  Choose  an  area,  grab  your  bags  and
      upcoming work over the next 6 to 8 weeks.                                      gloves  at  the  Town  Hall  office,  the
      Every attempt will be made to minimize impact on the local community through   Marmora & Lake Public Library, or the
      the course of this project. Should you have any questions or concerns during the  municipal Tourism Centre...and go! Our
      work, the following contacts are provided for your convenience.                community  belongs  to  all  of  us  –  let’s
      For any questions please contact                                               help keep it clean!
      GFL Environmental Inc.                                                         For  more  details,  please  visit  our
      Megan kennedy, Project Coordinator                                             website:
      Phone: 905-982-1465                                                  
      E-mail:                                                    nonlitter
      Victor Reid, Infrastructure Specialist
      Phone: 613-472-6285
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