Page 18 - July 2024 News On 7
P. 18


                                           THE RIDING

    SHELBY KRAMP-NEUMAN, MP                                                                     RIC BRESEE, MPP

     Proud to be giving drivers the peace      ” Ontario's Learn to Fish program is
     of  mind  they  deserve  when  they       expanding!
     need help at the side of the road.  As    We've added mobile sessions in Bon Echo
     of  July  1,  Ontario  will  become  the  Provincial Park on:
     first  province  in  Canada  to  require  June 29 & 30
     both  tow  truck  drivers  and  vehicle   August 1 & 2
     storage   operators   to   have   a       August 17 & 18
     certificate  to  operate.    Learn  more:  ¼ Location: 16151 Highway 41, Cloyne, Ontario      K0H 1K0
     launching-new...                            Learn more and register here:

                                             SHELBY KRAMP NEUMAN
    Hospice  care  is  not  giving  up  hope,  it's  redefining  hope.  It  is  Congratulations Community Futures of North & Central
    focusing  not  on  a  cure,  but  on  finding  peace,  comfort,  dignity  Hastings  and  South  Algonquin  for  35  years  of
    and love. It was my honour to join the Hospice North Hastings    supporting  people  to  achieve  their  dreams.    “It’s  not
    Garden  Party  in  Bancroft  June  22nd  to  celebrate  the  past,  only financial support and guidance but you also offer
    present and future of hospice palliative care.  Thank-you to the  ongoing  support  in  the  way  of  workshops  so
    the Chair of the Hospice North Hastings Board, Michael Brooks    entrepreneurs can have the skills that are needed to be
    for the invitation to attend and share remarks.  Please accept a  successful”   Community    Futures    Development
    heartfelt acknowledgment of thanks to the administrative team,   Cooperation  (  CFDC)    quietly  makes  an  impact  to  the
    doctors,  nurses,  PSW’s,  bereavement  support,  board  members,  whole constituency.  Kind thanks to my good friend Kim
    volunteers,  donors,  local  business,  community  champions  and  Bishop  who  attended  the  AGM  on  my  behalf  at  Finn’s
    silent  donors  for  stepping  up.Together,  you  are  moving    Pub in Madoc and presented Jim Etmanski, Chair with a
    mountains. You are celebrated and appreciated.  “Death, where    certificate to commemorate the 35th year.
    is thy sting?' It is here in my heart, mind & memories."
                                                      RIC BRESEE

   We are pleased to share that MPP Ric Bresee’s Private Member’s Bill   Exciting news for our community! Our government
   99,  Garrett’s  Legacy  Act  (Requirements  for  Movable  Soccer  Goals),  is  adding  100,000  more  MRI  and  CT  scans  each
   has received its Third and final Reading in Queen’s Park and has been  year  across  Ontario  at  community  surgical  and
   ordered for Royal Assent with unanimous consent of the House.  The    diagnostic centers. This will:
   Bill began in 2017 after a tragic accident, when young Garrett Mills of  ✅ Connect you to care closer to home
   Napanee was playing in a public park on a moveable soccer net when    ✅ Reduce wait times to 28 days
   it collapsed on him.                                                  ✅ Be free with OHIP coverage
                      Having coincidentally asked his parents only days  The new CT scanner in Bancroft and a new MRI in
                      before “What’s a legacy?”, they were determined    Napanee ensure that residents of Hastings-Lennox
                      that they would try to ensure that Garrett would   & Addington can receive essential services without
                      leave a lasting one to protect other children.     having  to  travel  outside  our  riding.  This  is  a
                      That legacy became a reality, and we are grateful  significant  step  towards  enhancing  accessible
                      to  both  the  Mills  and  Palm  families,  who’s  healthcare right here at home!
                      daughter suffered a similar accident, that fought
   for  this  bill  and  grateful  to  all  Members  of  the  Ontario  Legislative
   Assembly  for  supporting  and  passing  this  important  act.    We  are
   proud to have been a part of enacting Garrett’s Legacy
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