Page 21 - July 2024 News On 7
P. 21

                               BAPTIST CHURCH'S STRAWBERRY SOCIAL

     "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s
     family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14

     As  the  Cherish  Women’s  Ministry  of  Madoc  Baptist  Church  prepared  for  this  year’s  Strawberry  Social  event,  one
     committee  member  shared  the  intriguing  fact  that,  in  the  Netherlands,  strawberries  are  known  as  "Zomerkoninkjes,"
     translating to "Summer Kings" in English. As we know, strawberries, or “Summer Kings”, grow abundantly during this time
     of year and mark the arrival of early summer. They symbolize the simple joys and blessings of the season, reminding us of
     God’s provision and the beauty found in His creation.
     The  Strawberry  Social  is  a  special  tradition  at  Madoc  Baptist  Church  where  ladies  from  the  community  gather  for  an
     evening of fellowship and fun. They enjoy white cake topped with strawberries, and this year, guests were encouraged to
     wear  a  hint  of  strawberry  in  their  outfits.  A  highlight  of  the  event  was  a  mock  Beauty  Pageant  for  entertainment.  The
     evening  also  included  musical  performances,  games,  and  other  activities  to  engage  everyone.  Beyond  the  fun,  the
     gathering provided a chance to honour God and spend time in devotional reflection.
     So, as I prepared this devotional to present at our event, I got thinking about the term “Summer Kings”  and was inspired
     to learn more about the origin of that name. Amazingly, when I entered the words “origin of the term summer kings or
     Zomerkoninkjes in the Netherlands”  only one article came up in my search! Unfortunately, it didn’t explain how Summer
     Kings got their name but I did learn another fun fact:

     For  those  of  us  who  have  been  keeping  up  with  the  news  of  the  Netherlands,  you  know  that  in  2013  Queen  Beatrix
     abdicated after 33 years, passing the throne to her son Willem-Alexander. This historic event marked the return of a king
     after 123 years.

     Now, even though I didn't make the cut to be a contestant for our Beauty Pageant (let's face it, my particular skillset isn't
     exactly  what  pageant  judges  are  looking  for),  one  of  the  talents  God  has  given  me  is  the  ability  to  connect  unrelated
     themes to create a narrative.

     So here are the three themes I had to work with to create this devotional:
     A Beauty Pageant
      A song: (I Am Not My Own by The Gettys)
      And a fun fact about Strawberries

     The first thing that came to mind when we decided to host a Beauty Pageant was the story of Esther. Scripture tells us that
     Esther  was  a  beautiful  young  woman  who  found  favour  in  the  eyes  of  the  king.  In  fact,  Esther  was  a  biblical  “Beauty
     Queen”,  often  acknowledged  for  her  intelligence,  courage,  humility,  and  talent  for  hospitality.  However,  her  greatest
     strength lay in her unwavering faith in God and her love for her people.
     Despite the allure of being Queen and the admiration of the King, she remained focused on her divine purpose. Esther's
     readiness to risk everything -  including her own life - to save her people from destruction, demonstrated her exceptional
     courage and selflessness. Her story teaches us the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of great
     danger and uncertainty.
     In contrast, Queen Vashti's actions remind us of the consequences of pride and disobedience, highlighting the importance
     of humility and submission in certain situations. Both women serve as powerful examples of different paths one can take
     when faced with difficult choices.
     Tonight's  Pageant  was  a  beautiful  reminder  of  the  power  of  vulnerability  and  courage.  Even  though  we  are  all  among
     friends here, it still takes a great deal of bravery to step onto the stage and ham it up for the rest of us.

     To read more click here:

                Tracy is a Marketplace Minister, licensed wedding officiant, life/marriage coach, and funeral celebrant.
                                           For more info, visit
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