Page 19 - July 2024 News On 7
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MADOC LIONS CLUB                             MARMORA LIONS CLUB              LIONS CLUB OF LAND O’LAKES
    Well that is a wrap for another year   The  Marmora  Crowe  Valleys  Lions   What  happened  after  the  pandemic  with  our
                                                                                 food?  At a time where the economy is harsh on
    helping  with    The  Hastings  and    continue to take care of the Marmora  everyone,  how  can  we  maintain  our  food
    Prince Edward Learning Foundation      and Lake community. We presented a    through agriculture? What are the challenges of
    Breakfast  Program.    320  hours  and  donation of $5000 at Marmora Public  agriculture in Canada after the pandemic?
    hundreds of bagels later w             School towards a sun shelter for the  On the 24th of July, at 7pm, at the Lions Club of
    Lion Rob, Lion Janet, Lion Marj and    students.                             Land O’Lakes  Hall in Northbrook:
    Lion  Tom  wishing  all  the  students                                       Come listen to Dr. John Cranfield as he walks us
    and  staff  a  happy  safe  summer.  A                                       through  the  challenges  and  solutions  that  we
    special  thanks  to  Jane  Bonter  for                                       face with out food availability and agricualture.
                                                                                 The  Land  O'Lakes  Speakers'  Forum  is  a
    allowing us to be part of a fantastic                                        partnership         between           the
    program for kids  <From The Little                                           @cloynepioneermuseumandarchives & the Lions
    Club With A Big Heart                                                        Club  of  Land  O’Lakes.  The  Speakers'  Forum  is
                                                                                 supported financially, with thanks,  by Raymond

                                                                                         KIWANIS CLUB OF TWEED
                                                                                  What treasure lies at the end of the rainbow?
                                                                                  the  wonderful  Tweed  Kiwanis  Pavilion!
                                                                                  Everyone had a fabulous time at the May Rock
                                                                                  n' Roll Dance Party with The Reasons... so we
                                                                                  are  doing  it  again  Fri.  May  23,  2025...  mark
                                                                                  your calendars, tickets will go on sale spring of
                                                                                  next year!

                                                                                  The final community lottery draw was held on June
                                                                                  6.  Lucky winners are:
                                                                                  $1000 – Roxeanne Bailey
                                                                                  $500 Delan Richardson
                                                                                  $75  –  Dayle  Cross,  Jim  Gaylord,  C  Georgiou,  Jeff
                                                                                  Boldrick, Blakely Clare Rashotte, Lindsay
                                                                                  Chisholm,  Diana  Cassidy  Bush,  roger  Hanna,  Joe
                                                                                  Sherlock, Louise Sandercock,
                                                                                  $50 – Peter Snell, Gerald Hart, Colleen McCallister,
                                                                                  Dan Cole, Betty Walsh
                                                                                  Tix  for  the  2025  lottery  will  go  on  sale  in  the
                                                                                  fall...thanks for your support!


   We had our honour's and                                                                  Marmora  Legion  has  their
   awards on June 23rd, and                                                                 progressive Raffle going...
   Ed  Bedore  received  his                                                                Tickets  can  be  purchased
   life  time  member  ship                                                                 each    week   at   various
   Congratulations  Ed  ,and                                                                locations within Marmora or
   Judy    Heasman     ,also                                                                Call  Dianne  Ray  613  847
   received   her   lifetime                                                                6273!
   Congratulations  Judy  ,                             Draws take place each week on Saturday afternoon.  Visit
   and  Legionnaire  Of  The                            their   Facebook   page    to   see   the   draws   live:
   Year went to Kelli Curtis                  
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