Page 22 - July 2024 News On 7
P. 22

                       MINDFUL JOURNEY, MARMORA, ON

                                        CONCEIVE, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE IT!

    Aagh the blessing of the summer! This time of year we can see Mother Nature’s handiwork everywhere.  All the flowers, trees,
    gardens and fields are in full bloom or at least well on their way .  The seeds that laid dormant over the winter brought back
    to life with the warmth of the spring sunshine and rain have now grown and are ready to burst into their full beauty.

    Our dreams and desires are like those seeds.  Beginning with a thought in our mind. They lay dormant in our mind until the
    time is right, for them to sprout.  It can be through meeting the right person, attending an event that introduces us to new
    ideas and opportunities or most importantly, trusting our own intuition to step out of our comfort zone and take a chance.
    Whether these seeds are a new business, changes in where we live, a relationship or challenging ourselves to try something
    new, its success is all up to us.

    First step is to create the idea.  Next we need to believe we are deserving and capable of manifesting what we desire.  Then
    visualize reaching that goal and feel it like it has already happened.  Say it out loud, write it out and make this intention a
    contract with ourselves.  Studies have proven that people who do these steps are more successful in obtaining their goals
    than  those  who  do  not.  Plant  your  seeds,  and  watch  your  personal  garden  manifest.    Conceive  it,  believe  it  and  you  will
    achieve it!
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