Page 84 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 84

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 83

                                    MONKEY’S FIS T/LIGHT PULL

                   MATERIALS    3.5m of 4mm line will cover a 36mm diam wooden
                                  ball with 7 passes
                                2m of 4mm line will cover a 24mm diam wooden
                                  ball with 5 passes
                                Extra line is needed for hanging

                   KNOTS USED   Monkey’s fist: diagrams a, b and c

                   METHOD                         B
                  If you are using the 4mm line as
                  a suspension line, add the length


                                                         Route of final passes

                                                  is possible to drill a 3mm hole
                                                  through a wooden ball with a
                                                  counter sunk hole of about
                                                  5mm one end, thread a thin line
                  of drop you want to the above   of perhaps 2mm through it and
                  measurements and start making
                  the monkey’s fist round the ball.  C
                  You will need to make 7 passes or
                  circles on each face of the knot.
                  Use your fingers to make and
                  keep the series of wrappings in
                  some sort of order. Insert the ball
                  after making only two of the
                  final series of passes, then carry
                  on to complete the 7 passes with
                  the ball inside. When the knot        Put centre ‘ball’ in before
                  has been tied loosely, work all       completing final passes
                  your slack to the longest end,  knot the end so it does not pull
                  which will be your suspension   out, but is buried in the
                  line. Trim the short end to about  countersunk hole. Then cover
                  10mm and tuck it into the body.  the ball with a monkeys fist,
                     If you feel that 4mm line is  trimming the ends short and
                  too heavy as a suspension line, it  burying them inside.

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