Page 89 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 89

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 88

                                         A S AILOR’S WHISK

                   Fold the rope in half, making a  towards the knot to comb out all
                   loop about 100mm long by        the fibres. The wet yarns are
                   putting on a constrictor knot as  much easier to comb than if they
                   a temporary seizing. This will be  had been left dry. When you are
                   the handle. Unlay the strands of  satisfied with the combing out,
                   the rope and with 2 strands     tie a constrictor knot round the
                   from each side make a 4 strand  fibres about 130mm from the
                   crown knot with the 2           diamond knot and cut off the
                   remaining strands in the        ends of the fibres. Slide the
                   middle. Follow with a wall knot  constrictor knot off the end and
                   under the crown and tuck the    hang the whisk up to dry. Finally
                   ends up through the middle, so  shake the ends to loosen any
                   making a diamond knot.          odd stray fibres and you have got
                   Tighten the diamond knot,       a fine little whisk.
                   taking care not to pull the 2 lazy
                   strands in the middle, as that  A
                   tends to distort the lay of the
                   rope in the handle loop.                            Crown knot
                      Untie your temporary seizing.
                   Unlay all 6 strands to the yarns
                   and then unlay all the yarns
                   down to the fibres. This takes
                   time and can make quite a mess,
                   so best not do it over a clean
                   carpet. Use a marlinespike to
                   comb out any difficult yarns.
                   Now wet the teased out fibres
                   and comb them as straight as
                   possible. As I make a lot of these
                   whisks I have made up a kind of
                   coarse comb with some nails in a                        Wall
                   piece of wood. Start by combing                         knot
                   out the ends and working back

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