Page 87 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 87

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 86

                                     MONKEY’S FIS T/DOORS T O P

                    B                              knot so that all is neat, although
                                                   a little loose. Now work it
                                                   properly tight. For this I use a big
                                                   Swedish fid to lever out a loop
                                                   which I take in one hand and
                                                   with a hammer in the other
                                                   hand, give a few glancing blows
                                                   to force through the last of any
                                                   slack. Working the monkey’s fist
                                                   tight in this way should give you
                                                   a tight hard knot. When you are
                                                   satisfied that you have the knot
                                                   as tight and even as you wish, the
                                                   two tails can be heaved even
                                                   tighter using a heaving mallet or
                                                   heaver (see Tips of the Trade,
                       Make the loop before making
                            the final passes       page 6) before trimming off
                                                   flush. When all this has been
                                                   done I hammer the knot into
                     When you are happy with       shape making it slightly flat at
                   your knot, cut the ends off     the bottom. You now have a
                   leaving about 15mm and tuck     handsome piece of sculpture
                   them into the knot. When you    that will act as a fine door stop.
                   have mastered this, you can
                   tackle 18mm rope to make a      C
                   doorstop. Heavy rope needs a
                   slightly different approach. You
                   will need to build it up loosely
                   in your hand, using the stiffness
                   of the rope to give some shape
                   to the passes. Put your yarn-
                   covered weight in the middle
                   and complete the final set of
                   passes. I have allowed plenty of
                   material but, even so, you may be
                   slightly short on the first loose
                   tying of the knot. You should
                   gently tighten the knot from the
                   beginning, bringing the slack
                   right through the knot to give
                   you enough rope to complete all   Put centre ‘ball’ in before completing
                   4 of your last passes. Adjust the         final passes

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