Page 86 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 86

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 85

                                    MONKEY’S FIS T/DOORS T O P
                  ball of lead and spun yarn for a ball of old corks and spunyarn.
                  Whatever the scale of your monkey’s fist, be it for earrings, key
                  rings, light pulls, Christmas tree decorations, fenders or
                  doorstops, you can be certain that if you use this monkey’s fist
                  deviation the loop will never pull out.

                   MATERIALS     For the floating key ring: 1 table tennis ball
                                 4m of 6mm rope will cover with 5 passes. I prefer to
                                  use polypropylene, either as a hemp look alike or
                                  in the coloured multifilament form, as
                                  polypropylene is one of the few ropes that floats

                                 For a door stop: Scrap lead made up into a ball
                                  about 65–70mm in diameter, then covered with
                                  scrap yarn to bring it up to 100–115mm in diameter
                                 8m of 18mm rope, will cover with 4 passes. I like
                                  the look of 3 strand rope for this sculptural project

                   KNOTS USED    Monkey’s fist with a deviation: diagrams a, b and c

                   METHOD                          A
                  It is probably a good idea to
                  start with a key ring version
                  first. This gives you the chance
                  to understand how this monkey’s
                  fist deviates from the standard
                  one without having to struggle
                  with the problem of working
                  with heavy 18mm rope as well.
                  The start is as for the standard
                  monkey’s fist: first 5 passes       Start as standard monkey’s fist
                  round your fingers, then 5 more
                  passes at right angles round the  then complete (diagram c),
                  first set, then tuck the working  trapping the ball inside. The
                  end diagonally through the      whole knot can be worked tight
                  centre, out the other side, form  in the usual manner. It is a little
                  a loop and tuck the final series  tricky following the hidden
                  of passes from the other side.  diagonal pass out to the loop
                  Put the ball in the middle after  and back again, but with care it
                  just two of these last passes,  can be done.

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