Page 94 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 94
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 93
directly onto the bowsprit shrouds, the ends of the meshes
finishing with eye splices which are then seized to the shrouds.
The whole net can be quite a complex piece, so it is well
worth drawing out to scale what is intended before starting on
the job.
MATERIALS The amount of material depends very much on the
size of the net, the size of the mesh and the thick-
ness of the rope used. It is best to draw out the
net on paper and calculate the rope required,
allowing plenty for the knots and splices (it is
always more than you would expect). The rope
needs to be 3 strand rope. As a guide for a net of
say 4–5 m long, I would suggest, 8mm or 10mm
for the mesh ropes and 12–14mm for the
KNOTS USED Right angle splice (diagram a & b)
Possibly a short splice to join the boltrope (page 74)
Flat seizings to make eyes at the corners on the
boltrope, (page 27) or perhaps an eye splice
(page 47)
The start of an eye splice as a side splice (page 47)
The tuck and knot net knot (diagram d)
Take some measurements from wooden floor using awls to hold
the vessel to decide what size and the boltrope in place. Make any
shape you need. You will need to corner eyes, either by seizing or
make the net slightly undersize splicing, if they are wanted.
to allow for both the stretch of With the boltrope in place,
the rope and the tightening of splice the long lengths to the
the knots, because however tight narrow end of the boltrope using
you pull the knots there will still the right angle splice, pin them
be some gain when they are put in position and stretch them out.
under strain. After drawing out Add other long lines to the side
the net on paper the net needs boltrope using the start of an eye
to be laid out full size, either on splice.
the lawn where I use 6" nails to It is important to space the
peg out the boltrope, or on a lines out evenly. I often make up