Page 98 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
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KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 97
by dropping yarns out of each The fancy lead is again started
strand as you tuck. at the clip. Put the clip in the
middle of the 2 lengths of line,
A temporarily seized in place, to
give you 4 strands with which to
tie a diamond knot, which can
be doubled. This is a little tricky
only because you have a lot of
line to pull through the various
tucks, but it makes a neat job.
After the diamond knot, make
up the main part of the lead with
4 strand round sennit, breaking
the plainness with the odd
Matthew Walker or diamond
knot, should you fancy. Make
the 4 strand round sennit over-
long, as it is difficult to continue
Make a crown knot with all three strands
crossing the eye of the clip the sennit if you stop and then
decide to make it longer. If you
want to add some more
variation, finish the 4 strand
round sennit with a diamond
knot, then make about 100mm
of 4 strand crown sennit.
When you are happy with the
length, make a temporary seizing
round all 4 strands with a
constrictor knot and, using the 2
shorter ends as the core, con tinue
with a length of Portuguese flat
sennit, long enough to form a
comfortable handle loop. Finish
off by tucking the ends through
the 4 strand sennit where it
changes to the Portuguese sennit
Complete by splicing back
and use the ends to make the
extended diamond knot to cover
The handle end can be a plain the join.
eye splice, or start as an eye splice Walk your sea dog with pride
then make a crown and wall and or, perhaps, allow your sea dog
double them. to walk you with pride!