Page 97 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 97

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 96

                                            DOG LEADS
                   round sennit interspersed with as many Matthew Walker,
                   diamond knots and extended diamond knots as you fancy,
                   maybe followed by a bit of crown sennit and finished off with a
                   hand loop from flat Portuguese sennit.

                    MATERIALS    Sea and land dogs of course come in various sizes,
                                   so you must judge the scale of material suitable
                                   for the dog in question as well as how long you
                                   like  your lead to be. The amounts quoted here
                                   are for 1–1.2m long so allow more if you want a
                                   longer lead.
                                 For the plain dog lead, 2–2.5m of 3 strand rope,
                                   between 8mm and 12mm, would suit most
                                   animals and their owners
                                 For the decorative dog lead, 1 x 6m and 1 x 9m of
                                   4mm for a medium to large dog, 3mm for a very
                                   smaller dog, should be plenty
                                 You will also need a clip or snap shackle. Be sure to
                                   check that it will work on you dog’s collar

                    KNOTS USED    For the plain lead:
                                 back splice which starts with a crown knot, see
                                   diagram b.
                                 splice and diamond knot eye, crown & wall:
                                   page 47.
                                 For the fancy lead:
                                 diamond knot: pages 19, 88
                                 constrictor knot: page 9
                                  4 strand round sennit: page 50
                                  If you wish, Mathew Walker: page 57
                                  Portuguese flat sennit: page 17
                                  If you wish, 4 strand crown sennit: page 25
                                  Extended diamond: page 51

                   Always start at the clip end so   The simple lead is straight  -
                   that you can check the length   forward: make the crown knot
                   that suits you and your dog     so that it captures the clip and
                   before making the loop that     then make a couple of complete
                   forms the handle.               tucks before tapering the splice

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