Page 16 - Microsoft PowerPoint - FAQ's E-booklet format combined_20_11_2020.pptx
P. 16
What are the timelines prescribed for various stages of construction permit? If the
authority is issuing construction permit within 45 days, whether it may be
considered complied by DPIIT if there is a minor variation in the stage specific
timelines being followed by the State?
The timelines for issuing construction permit is within a period of 45 days with the
proposed timelines for sub-stages as following:
I. Building Plan approval is provided within 15 days
II. Plinth Inspection is done within 5 days of intimation
III. Final completion/ occupancy certificate is provided within 25 days.
The States are required to follow the 45 day timeline for issuing construction permits,
however a slight variation in terms of timelines associated with sub-processes can be
considered as long as the overall timeline of 45 days is being adhered to.
Please provide more clarity on whether the sanction for the storage of
construction material is intended for unused construction material or
construction debris?”
The reform entails developing an online system for Sanction is specifically related
to the storage of construction material and doesn't pertains to handling or storage
of construction debris.
If State/ UT doesn’t have any separate sanction issued for storage of
construction material in the State, How are States required to pursue?
If the service is not applicable in the State, please submit the same as Not Applicable,
with supporting document/ departmental undertaking.
If the number of applications for the service is very low can the state be
exempted from implementing the reform?
As long as the service is being offered state can not be exempted from
implementing the reform, this reform specifically aims at migrating the procedure
of granting sanction to online system which can be aligned with other construction
related services offered by ULBs.
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