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What are the total number of Reforms in State Reforms Action Plan - 2020 and how are they
The State Reforms Action Plan- 2020 has laid out 301 reforms in total, which are classified as
General and Specific reforms.
How are General and Specific reforms classified?
General and Specific reforms under State Reforms Action Plan- 2020 are classified
as below:
i. The reforms without any specific category of users are classified as General
reforms such as Information wizard & digitization of land records.
ii. The reforms related to a clear identifiable user are the Specific reforms such as
electricity connection or trade license.
What are the major steps of the Assessment and Ranking under State Reforms
Action Plan- 2020?
The Assessment and Ranking methodology comprises of 3 major steps as listed below:
1. Uploading of evidences on the EODB portal by States/ UTs
2. Uploading of User Data by States/ UTs
3. User survey by DPIIT
What is the cut-off date of implementation of reforms and uploading of
evidences by States/UTs?
States/ UTs are required to uploaded on the DPIIT EODB portal by 31st December
2020, failing which the action point will not be assessed.
Are the evidences uploaded by the States/ UTs under previous ranking exercises
being retained on the EODB portal?
Evidences provided by States/ UTs under previous ranking exercises will not be retained
on the EODB portal. States/ UTs are required to submit fresh evidences for all 301
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