Page 10 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
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Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
This book will be a useful addition to anyone working with customers as
a handy reference guide, it is refreshingly written in a conversational
style, by someone with a passion for good customer service that comes
through every page.
Chris Hickey, Chartered MCIPD MBA, MD Charlton HR Ltd
Where has this book been and why is it only just available? Jacky has
succinctly covered everything that, as a small business owner, I needed
at the start of my journey! She captures the essence of what to do in
your business when customers are at the heart of what you do all day
every day. This is a truly fabulous read and the seven principles will
become part of my team’s training, business ethos and personal mantra.
Abi Howell, Director Truly Tailored Recruitment
I’ve been running a small business for 8 years and our clients seemed to
love us. However, after a period of exceptional growth, some of them
fell through the cracks, our 100% satisfaction rating dropped, and we
began to lose clients to our competitors. Jacky's book found me at the
right time to make a difference and has reminded me to keep focussed
on my biggest assets. It’s been a fantastic tool in helping me figure out
what makes us work, quickly identify what differentiates us from the
competition and start making improvements. A must have for any small
business bookshelf, to be reread as the business evolves to ensure a
consistently authentic approach.
Emily Gardner, Managing Director Easy Solutions Group
Jacky positions Customer Service at the very heart of business success.
Her book provides insights based on reality and experience that can be
applied to any business situation.
Di Steer, Chartered MCIPD, CEO Royal Life Saving Society UK