Page 25 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK TWO "BOSTON 1960 TO 1970"
P. 25
As you will realise I spent most of my early days with
Grandmother Munford while she still lived in Harrogate
Yorkshire. I was well away from the stress of living with my
parents. Annie Munford was a strong character and
Faced with no income and bills to pay she beavered away
with her lodgers and even part-funded the “squanderbug”
lifestyle that my mother insisted on!
Grandmother Munford was one of the Baynes family from
Harrogate and Wharfdale. At one time she had her own private
income, and was not brought up to hard graft.
But when this was needed she was never found lacking. At
the time of my marriage to Ruth she was still at 129 London
Road, Boston and managed four or five lodgers there. She
constantly compared notes with her good friend Mrs Taylor
from No 131.
The second reason for establishing our flat early was that
in 1965 they were like “gold-dust” and this particular property
came our way quite unexpectedly through my working late to
check the classified advert pages, a whole 15 hours or before
they were published. We were able to see our potential
landlord, view the property and come to an agreement before
the competition, it was a veritable “bird in the hand”.
Back with that paperwork, I have made some mention of
this in Book One as that one rambles on until the time of our
wedding but does not go into fine detail. Once Grandmother
Munford had put me in the picture as it were, I had no idea
where to go next.
It was generally decided between her and Ruth that I
should consult the family solicitor. He was a contemporary of
my parents and they did meet in various social circles. Despite
his constant typical lugubrious “solicitor” type expression,
when the whole tale was finally related to him, his eyebrows