Page 17 - FTL Driver Training Manual
P. 17

F R E I G H T   T R A N S P O R T   L T D   ( F T L )  D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N   2
            4  Smoking

            It is against the Law to smoke in any company vehicle or building under the
            Smoke Free Regulations 2006. All vehicles must display a no smoking and
            vaping symbol in the cab under the regulations, and if it is missing you must
            report this to your manager and report it on your daily vehicle check sheet.

            Any  employee  found  smoking  in  their  vehicle  by  the  Police  or  Local
            Authority may incur a fixed on the spot penalty of £200, and as a result could also incur a
            fine to the Company of £2500 which we may seek to recover from you.

            Smoking will only be permitted in designated areas at all FTL Ltd or third-party sites and it
            must be 10m from areas where combustible materials are stored/processed. There will be
            suitable receptacles for extinguishing cigarettes provided i.e. sand bin, wall mounted ash
            tray etc. Please ask where they area and use them.

            5  Electronic Cigarettes / Vaping

            FTL Ltd company policy states that currently electronic cigarettes / vaping may not be used
            whilst driving or within buildings at FTL Ltd premises. This policy will be under constant
            review and could be changed at any time. However, drivers are reminded that  using an
            electronic cigarette whilst driving could result in prosecution or penalty points awarded for
            driving  without  due  care  and  attention  should  it  be  proven  that  the  e-cigarette  or  the
            significant steam/fog  generated has been a causation in a near miss or accident whilst
            behind the wheel.

            6  Personal Hygiene & Welfare
            Please ensure that you speak to your manager if you have any concerns about your health
            and wellbeing whilst at work.

            Third party sites in the UK have a legal obligation to allow you to use toilet and welfare
            facilities on their sites. Please respect them and leave them in a clean and tidy state and
            report any shortcomings to your on site contact.

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