Page 146 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 146

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                    Warn any other person who you see approaching your vehicle to keep a safe
                    distance and Stop if necessary.
                    If you or other vehicles approach close to you, never proceed until they have
                    acknowledged your presence, give them a thumbs up and await a response. Never
                    turn your back on mobile plant always assume you have not been seen.
                    Make eye contact and get a thumbs up from the machine operator and ensure your
                    Do not enter the body of the vehicle for cleaning unless you are in a safe area and
                    have notified the site staff and your manager. Again notify your manager when you
                    are back in the cab of your vehicle so we know you are safe.
                    Carry out a visual check for access, manhole covers, soft verges, condition of siting
                   area, plus any overhead cables.
                    Ask non-account customers to sign the disclaimer accepting liability for any damage
                   caused prior to commencing the operation when off of the highway.
                    Visually check all lifting equipment required to be used for operation. Lifting chains
                   supplied for this task are tested and certificated according to schedule and are subject
                   to statutory inspection.
                    Only accessories in date for testing may be used for this operation.
                    Loads must be within the capacity of the lowest rated accessory.

                   Grab loading

                1.  After arriving on site, check that the address is correct.
                2.  Ensure the ground is solid and there are no potential ground or overhead hazards
                    (e.g. manhole covers, drains, potholes, etc.), or overhead obstructions (e.g. cables,
                    trees, etc.)
                3.  Manoeuvre the vehicle to the required position and apply handbrake. Check the
                    material you are collecting is the same as shown on your paperwork.  Any
                    differences must be reported to your Operations Manager, BEFORE loading
                4.  If you have to leave the public highway for a non-account customer, a disclaimer
                    must be signed by a responsible person (e.g. site agent, home owner, etc.).
                5.  Beacons and / or hazards should be used, whilst on site.
                6.  Ensure the area is clear of other vehicles and pedestrians. Place cones / barriers (if
                    available) around your vehicle, or request site staff keep the area clear.
                7.  Engage the P.T.O.
                8.  When out of the cab, a safety helmet must be worn.
                9.  Place the leg pads; extend and lower the stabiliser legs.
                10. Climb onto the walkway, making sure to keep 3 points of contact. Once on the
                    walkway, ensure the safety bars are locked into place.
                11. Make a final check for overhead obstructions, before commencing the first lift.
                    When safe to do so, extend the crane, over the waste.

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