Page 149 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 149

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            Grab Unloading

                  After arriving on site, check that area is solid and
                  there are no potential ground hazards (e.g.
                  manhole covers, drains, potholes, etc.), or
                  overhead obstructions (e.g. cables, trees, etc.).
                  Manoeuvre the vehicle to the required position
                  and apply handbrake.
                  When out of the cab, full P.P.E. must be worn at
                  all times.
                  Check the area is clear of vehicles and pedestrians.  Place cones / barriers (if
                  available) or request site staff keep the area clear.
                  Engage the P.T.O. Place the leg pads, extend and lower the stabiliser legs.
                  Once on the walkway, ensure the safety bars are locked into place.
                  Make a final check for overhead obstructions, before commencing the first lift.  When
                  safe, extend the crane, over the body and grab the material.
                  Keep a constant check for pedestrians and vehicles in the vicinity, as you are
                  unloading – if the lift poses a threat to other persons, STOP.
                  When lifting, do not overload the crane.
                  When all the material has been unloaded, lower the crane back into the body, exit the
                  walkway and retract the stabiliser legs.  Place the leg pads back in their storage
                  Disengage the P.T.O.
                  Ensure the rear number plate, lights and marker boards are all clean, before leaving
                  Check for stones, bricks, etc. caught between the rear wheels – remove any items,
                  before travelling on the road.

                   Using the auto sheet system
            Drivers are reminded that they should not sheet or un-sheet when the vehicle is moving.

                                                     Care  should  be  taken  to  ensure  that  all  overhead
                                                     obstructions are identified before raising the sheet.

                                                     Loads must be sheeted at all times.

            Inbound traffic: Loads to remain sheeted until you have arrived at the weighbridge.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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