Page 152 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 152
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
whilst manoeuvring your vehicle either on or off of the highway. Please
manoeuvre slowly and carefully and listen out for anyone asking you to STOP.
4. If at any time you are unsure with how to proceed you are to STOP and call your
manger and await instructions. At all times if a reversing assistant is being used
the driver must maintain eye contact. Drivers must ensure that they give the
assistant time to get into position before starting the reversing manoeuvre.
5. Drivers must wear high visibility clothing (top and bottom), lace up safety boots
at all times when out of the vehicle. Quite often operating the bin lift requires
standing alongside your vehicle and operating the lift on the highway so you must
be capable of being seen by other road users so ensure your high visibility
clothing is bright and clean.
6. Never allow a customer or member of the public to operate the controls of the
vehicle. Do not operate the bin lift if a customer or member of the public is nearby
and is likely to be struck by the bin.
7. All 1100 Euro Bins must be checked to ensure that nobody is inside them
before they are lifted. Please bang the side of the bin and listen out for anyone
that maybe inside then lift the lid and visually inspect before lifting the bin.
8. Extreme care must be taken when reversing onto 1100 Euro bin containers to
ensure that there is nobody between the container and your reversing vehicle.
Use the reversing cameras and mirrors fitted to the vehicles at all times.
9. Always take care when tipping waste into the loader. Due to the compacting /
crushing nature of loader, some items of waste may fly out of the rear of the
loader. The controls are positioned on the side of the loader to ensure you are
not in the direct path of any flying debris. You must ensure that nobody else is in
a position where any flying debris could hit them.
10. When emptying 1100 Euro bin containers, always ensure that the bins are
correctly positioned on the lifting comb before emptying the bin into the loader.
11. After you have emptied a 1100 Euro bin, return the bin and apply the parking
brake on at least one wheel. Also ensure that all lids are left in the closed position
and locked to prevent any un-authorised access. Report any damage or unsafe
containers on your daily running sheet and notify your Operations Manager
immediately so that bins can be exchanged or repaired promptly.
12. If you arrive at a 1100 Euro bin that has been on fire, do not under any
circumstances load the waste into your vehicle. There is a chance that the waste
could re-ignite and cause your whole load and vehicle to catch fire. If you find
such a 1100 Euro bin, you must notify your Operations Manager who will make
arrangements to have it collected by alternative means.
13. The rear end loader comes under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations 1998 (LOLER), and it is a legal requirement that it is inspected every
12 months. It is your responsibility to report any defects or malfunctions to your
manager immediately so that it can be repaired and made safe.
14. Do not allow members of the public to throw waste into the rear of the vehicle.
Any excess waste must be booked in via your Operations Manager before the
waste is collected. If excess waste is collected without being first booked through
the office, disciplinary action could be taken against you.
15. When disposing of waste at any Transfer Station or Landfill site, you must follow
the instructions given to you by the site personnel at all time. Transfer Stations
and Landfill sites can be extremely dangerous places if you do not follow the
instructions given to you by the trained staff on site. Dangerous behaviour or
failure to follow instructions given to you by site personnel will not be tolerated.
Page 151 of 197
Reviewed May 2024