Page 157 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 157

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                   Glass collection

            To collect recyclables each operative is first issued with
            standard Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): a high-visibility
            uniform including trousers, gloves and steel toecap lace up
            boots. Ear defenders and goggles (clear or tinted) are also
            issued. The wearing of both is advised at all times when out of
            the vehicle but enforced at specific times in the collection
            process such as during the tipping of glass into the vehicle and
            discharging the load. This is when operatives would be most at
            risk from noise and loose shards of glass.
            Spot checks to ensure ear defenders and goggles are worn at these times are conducted
            as part of our regular crew monitoring programme.

                •  You must not operate any vehicle unless you are fully trained and are fully
                    conversant with the controls.
                •  The vehicle is generally used for collections of glass waste. This requires
                    manoeuvring bins on and off the vehicle so extreme care must be taken when
                    loading them onto the bin lift as they can be very heavy. Do not take risks, only use
                    dropped kerbs to access the vehicle.
                •  Lace up boots only should be worn to ensure that you have good ankle support. No
                    dealer or rigger boots to be worn..
                •  You must ensure that all emergency stops are in full working order.
                •  The bin lifting mechanism comes under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
                    Regulations 1998 (LOLER), and it is a legal requirement that it is inspected every
                    12 months. It is your responsibility to report any defects or malfunctions to your
                    manager immediately and on Pre-Drive so that it can be repaired and made safe.
                •  If changing from one waste stream to another you must ensure that the vehicle is
                    cleaned and in full working order.
                •  Do not allow any unauthorised persons, i.e. customers or members of the public to
                    tip material into the vehicle or operate the bin lift mechanism.

                   Compaction vehicle controls

                    You must be familiar with all the controls of the vehicle to operate it safely:

                      ✓     REL lifting equipment
                      ✓     Compaction blade operation
                      ✓     Internal blade operation
                      ✓     Emptying of compaction unit
                      ✓     Warning lights and buzzers
                      ✓     Reversing Camera/Bleeper/Auto Brake

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