Page 162 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 162
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
Concrete Drum Mixers
To obtain maximum efficiency, and
to produce good fuel economy, the
vehicle must be driven in the green
band on the rev counter at all times
Loading and tipping operations
could be a very dangerous
manoeuvre unless a great deal of
care is taken during this procedure.
There is a high risk of damage to
the vehicle, property and it’s
equipment and the health and
safety of the driver or the public
unless the following procedures
are carried out
1. You must not operate any concrete drum mixer unless you have been fully trained to
do so and are fully conversant with all of the controls and the emergency stops.
2. Operators must wear high visibility clothing, hard hat, safety glasses and safety boots
at all times, with ear defenders worn when required.
3. Operatives must wear clean and functioning high visibility PPE. If the PPE is damaged
or dirty then please ensure that it is either cleaned or replaced immediately.
4. Ensure that the equipment manuals in the vehicle are read and understood before use.
Travelling to site
• The vehicle must be stationary before operating
the PTO unit to start the drum in the charging
direction (anti-clockwise).
• Always be aware of the travelling height of the
vehicle and ensure the cab height indicators are
set correctly.
• Before setting off with a loaded mixer ensure that
there are no objects that could fall from the vehicle
before travelling on the highway. (loose material is
removed and chutes are locked into place)
• Ensure a safe speed is maintained and particular
care is taken at roundabouts, as the mixer could
become unstable with certain mixes (S2 and
above), special attention when turning left and
braking as this could cause the mixer to roll over.
• Pulling away on a hill should be done carefully and
slowly with S2 mixes and above as this could
cause material to flow out of the rear of the mixer
and onto the highway. This could trigger a PG9
and a fine.
Page 161 of 197
Reviewed May 2024