Page 163 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 163

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            •  The load when S2 or above should be considered “Live” with extreme care taken by you
                the driver.
                   Loading the mixer

                    Park  correctly  and  ensure  that  you  are
                    fully under the discharge point
                    Ensure  the  drum  is  spinning  in  the
                    charging direction (anti-clockwise from the
                    Report to the Concrete Plant Supervisor
                    When loading the drum with dry mixes be
                    aware  of  additional  noise  so  wear  your
                    hearing protection.
                    Also be aware of dust from dry leg plants
                    (Doonans) as these can create more dust
                    than usual.
                    Be  aware  of  slips,  trips  and  falls  and
                    always  hang  up  your  hoses  pipes  after
                    Do not move the plant until the Concrete
                    Plant Supervisor gives you instructions to
                    move forward.

                   On arrival at the customers premises
            1.      Follow all site signage and mandatory instructions
            2.      On arrival to the site report to the customer/banksman for instructions to the
                    discharge point.
            3.      Wear correct Personal Protection Equipment at all times when discharging
                    materials. (Hard hat, safety glasses, high vis clothing, gloves and safety boots)
            4.      Always keep far enough away from other vehicles to maintain your safety, if you
                    have any safety concerns then STOP and speak to either a site operative or your
                    Operations Manager
            5.      Warn any other person who you see approaching your vehicle to keep a safe
            6.      If you or other vehicles approach close to you, never proceed until they have
                    acknowledged your presence, give them a thumbs up and await a response. Never
                    turn your back on mobile plant always assume you have not been seen.
            7.      Make eye contact and get a thumbs up from the operator and ensure your safety.
            8.      Manual handling, always follow a safe system of manual lifting for your discharge
                    chutes and ensure that any material build up is cleaned off regularly to reduce the
                    weight of the chutes.
            9.      After unloading is completed, arrange with site to carry out cleaning operations in a
                    safe area, to stop pedestrians from coming in contacted with concrete splashes.
            10.     When loading dumpers or mobile plant always stand to the side of the vehicle to
                    avoid entrapment.
            11.     If you are asked or required to access the crows nest ensure you are using three
                    points of contact, your boots are clean and you have no loose-fitting clothing.
            12.     Ensure that the manufacturers drum guard is in place, not damaged and preventing
                    contact with moving drum.

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