Page 168 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 168
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
f. Do not allow any other members of staff or any other persons to operate your
vehicle controls at any time. It is your responsibility to discharge your load
g. Do not walk under your raised tailgate or body or allow anyone else to do so
unless a tailgate or body prop is correctly in place.
h. Once your load has been tipped, you must not sort through the load or remove
any item of waste, unless instructed to do so by the site manager.
i. After your load has been discharged, you must lower your tailgate within 3
meters and then leave the tipping area.
j. You must not leave site without first obtaining a ticket from the Weighbridge
office for the load you are tipping. There are no exceptions to the rule as it is
a condition of our site licence that this is done.
8. If you ever have the need to enter the rear of the sweeper, you must ensure the
following is done:
a. Agree a safe location away from machinery movements with the Site
Operations Manager.
b. Raise the tailgate and insert a tailgate prop before entering the vessel. If
there is not one fitted then please speak with your Operations Manager who
will advise you how to proceed.
c. Switch off the vehicle and remove the key and place the key in your pocket.
d. If you need to enter the rear of the vehicle ensure that this is a two-man
operation, with the second person outside of the vehicle monitoring your
e. Carry out any repairs.
f. Leave by the rear of vehicle and ensure that no one
is left inside.
g. Re-start the vehicle.
h. Remove the tailgate prop.
i. Lower the tailgate.
9. Extreme care must be taken when operating the vehicle around cars and property
as they you could cause considerable damage.
10. If you cause any damage to any property on or off site, no matter how small, you
must write down full details of the damage and how it was caused on your
accident report from If you do cause such damage, you must call your Operations
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Reviewed May 2024