Page 164 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 164

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            13.     After unloading is completed, arrange with site to carry out cleaning operations in a
                    safe area, to stop pedestrians from coming in contact with concrete splashes.
                    Ensure PPE is worn during washing down, including safety glasses and gloves.

                   Return loads
                1.  If a truck mixer returns to plant with concrete still on-board, in some circumstances
                    a decision is made to dump concrete within the waste/recycling area for disposal or
                    re-use at a later date
                2.  Manager/Supervisor once confirmed load to be dumped, must clearly inform the
                    driver of the appropriate location for unloading. Also Manager/Supervisor to instruct
                    driver as to the level of slump/consistency to allow concrete to be either dry or wet.
                3.  Truck mixer will park within the designated area and confirm safe to proceed.
                4.  With driver being responsible for the unloading, all other site personal shall keep far
                    enough away to ensure that if the material splashes, no residue material will
                    present a risk.
                    Driver to liaise with site staff to ensure this.
                    Ensure that when trucks are moving forward or reversing you maintain a safe
                    working distance away.
                5.  Warn any other person who you see approaching your vehicle to keep a safe
                6.  If other vehicles approach close to you, never proceed until they have
                    acknowledged your presence, never turn your back.
                7.  Manual handling, always follow a safe system of manual lifting for your discharge
                8.  After unloading is completed, arrange with site to carry out cleaning operations in a
                    safe area, to stop pedestrians from coming into contact with concrete splashes.
                9.  Ensure full PPE is worn when washing down to include safety glasses and gloves
                10. In winter weather abnormal conditions, do not proceed until a Dynamic Risk Assessment
                    has been completed to ensure additional hazards have been identified and procedures

                   Cleaning mixers

            1       Personal protection equipment must be worn at all times when cleaning operations
                    are carried out. When using acid, or acid derived products, PVC overalls / goggles
                    and gloves, gauntlets and safety boots must be worn.
            2       Before cleaning your vehicle you must first check with the Plant Supervisor and
                    agree on a designated safe area. The Plant Supervisor must agree that you have all
                    the necessary safety equipment and you are in a safe place before proceeding.
            3       If cleaning with acid-based products, cordon off the area and post signs informing
                    personnel of cleaning operation in progress.
            4       The acid must be diluted following manufacturers guidelines, the method is to add
                    the Acid to the water, NOT water to the acid.

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