Page 167 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 167
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
2. Operators must wear PPE at all times as directed by the Site Rules where you
are working as you may be required to stand alongside your vehicle whilst
operating on the highway you must be capable of being seen at all times, by other
road users so will have to wear clean and reflective high
visibility clothing (Top and Trousers). Please notify your
Operations Manager when you require replacement
3. Ensure that the equipment manuals in the vehicle are
read and understood before use.
Ensure that all warning signs fitted to the vehicle are
adhered to and are in good condition.
4. Ensure that directional signage on the rear of the vehicle is
warning traffic to move around the vehicle the correct way
and uncovered.
5. Never allow a customer or member of the public to operate
the controls of the vehicle. Do not operate the sweeper if a
customer or member of the public is nearby and is likely to
be struck by anything expelled from the sweeper
6. Extreme care must be taken when reversing to ensure that there is no person in
the vicinity of your reversing vehicle. Use the reversing cameras fitted to the
vehicles at all times. Vehicles must not be driven unless the reversing
cameras, alarms and lights are fitted and operational.
7. When disposing of waste at any Transfer Station or Landfill site, you must follow
the instructions given to you by the site personnel at all time. Transfer Stations
and Landfill sites can be extremely dangerous places if you do not follow the
instructions given to you by the trained staff on site. Dangerous behaviour or
failure to follow instructions given to you by site personnel will not be tolerated.
When tipping at any Transfer Station or Landfill site you must follow these
a. You must not reverse into the building until instructed to do so by the site
Banksman or trained operative.
b. You must always ensure that the machine operators are aware of your
c. You must tip where you are directed to do so.
d. Always ensure that nobody walks directly behind your vehicle whilst you are
discharging your load.
e. Observe all site speed limits and take great care with regard to pedestrians.
Page 166 of 197
Reviewed May 2024