Page 172 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 172

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                4.  Apply the handbrake.
                5.  When out of the cab, full P.P.E. must be worn.
                6.  Ensure that the correct material / waste is being loaded as per the consignment
                    note, the waste being collected MUST be the same type as shown on the
                    paperwork. Any variance has to be communicated to both the customer and the
                    Operations Manager, who will advise).
                7.  Engage the P.T.O. and elevate the crane, clear of the body and any loading
                8.  Lower the crane before you move the vehicle away from the loading area, before
                    checking the load.
                9.  Check for loose debris, that could fall off the vehicle – remove any loose material,
                    before securing the load.
                10. Activate the auto-sheet mechanism; lower the crane and ensure the grab is
                    positioned below the sides of the lorry.
                11. Check for stones, bricks, etc. caught between the rear wheels – remove any items,
                    before travelling on the road.
                12. Ensure the rear number plate, lights and marker boards are all clean, before leaving

                   Transport of hazardous waste

            Hazardous Waste is defined as waste that is dangerous or difficult to
            keep, treat, or dispose of and which requires special provisions. It is
            potentially harmful to the environment and can present a health threat.

            Avon  Material  Supplies  ltd  employ  the  services  of  a  Dangerous  Goods  Safety  Advisor
            (DGSA) to support the business and provide useful information as required.
            Only trained ADR staff will collect, handle and transport Hazardous Waste

            Before transportation, consignments of Hazardous Waste must be pre-booked for disposal.
            The  Environment  Agency  must  also  be  notified  regarding  the  movement  of  Hazardous
            Waste on the relevant paperwork.

            Correctly completed paperwork also serves as a transfer note.

                    Before movement of the waste, and as far as reasonably practicable, make a visual
                    inspection of the waste to check that it matches the description.
                    Ensure that the customer completes the relevant paperwork.
                    Leave the consignor’s copy with the customer.
                    The remaining copies must travel with the waste.
                    On  arrival  at  the  disposal point,  ensure  that  the  consignee,  i.e.  a  member of  the
                    disposal site staff, completes the final section.
                    Retain the carrier’s copy and return it to the transport office.

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