Page 170 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 170

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

                Hazardous Waste Collection Vehicles

            To obtain maximum efficiency, and to
            produce good fuel economy, the vehicle
            must be driven in the green band on the
            rev counter at all times

            Loading and tipping operations could be
            a very dangerous manoeuvre unless a
            great deal of care is taken during this
            procedure. There is a high risk of
            damage to the vehicle, property and it’s
            equipment and the health and safety of
            the driver or the public unless the following procedures are carried out.

                   On arrival at a customers site

                    Follow all site signage and mandatory instructions
                    On arrival to the site report to the customer/banksman for instructions to the
                    unloading point.
                    Wear correct Personal Protection Equipment at all times when loading/discharging
                    materials. (Hard hat, safety glasses, high vis clothing, gloves and safety boots)
                    Always keep far enough away from other vehicles to maintain your safety, if you
                    have any safety concerns then STOP and speak to either a site operative or your
                    Operations Manager
                    Warn any other person who you see approaching your vehicle to keep a safe
                    distance and Stop if necessary.
                    If you or other vehicles approach close to you, never proceed until they have
                    acknowledged your presence, give them a thumbs up and await a response. Never
                    turn your back on mobile plant always assume you have not been seen.
                    Make eye contact and get a thumbs up from the machine operator and ensure your
                    Do not enter the body of the vehicle for cleaning unless you are in a safe area and
                    have notified the site staff and your manager. Again notify your manager when you
                    are back in the cab of your vehicle so we know you are safe.
                    Carry out a visual check for access, manhole covers, soft verges, condition of siting
                   area, plus any overhead cables.
                    Ask non-account customers to sign the disclaimer accepting liability for any damage
                   caused prior to commencing the operation when off of the highway.
                    Visually check all lifting equipment required to be used for operation. Lifting chains
                   supplied for this task are tested and certificated according to schedule and are subject
                   to statutory inspection.
                    Only accessories in date for testing may be used for this operation.
                    Loads must be within the capacity of the lowest rated accessory.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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