Page 175 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 175
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
Non-Licensed Asbestos disposal & removal
1. Before leaving site please check the Asbestos Kits
are adequate and there is enough equipment to
complete the task for all staff.
2. Carry out an onsite Risk Assessment before starting
the job.
3. Isolate the waste in a secure area from further tipping
or machinery/vehicle movements
4. Notify the customer on how you will need to proceed and anything you require to make the area
5. Check the Risk Assessment is adequate and make any changes where necessary and then discuss
with staff and sign off.
6. Personal Protective Equipment must be worn
7. Wear a properly fitted, suitable mask (FFP3 type) or an air fed respirator that has a filtration system
of an APF20. All staff carrying out the Asbestos work must be clean shaven unless they are using
the air fed system. An ordinary dust mask will not be effective you must use the mask you have
been face fit tested with. (This is the last item of PPE that you remove at the end of the job or when
de-contaminating at break times or end of the day)
8. Wear Protective disposable overalls (Type 5). Remember the hood must be worn and always
remove your overalls and all other PPE before removing your mask.
9. Wear boots without laces or use disposable boot covers.
10. Do not re-enter any clean areas such as toilets, office or vehicle cabs with contaminated
PPE/RPE. You will need to remove all equipment before using these facilities as they are
and should remain clean areas.
11. If the protected suits become damaged then all of your contaminated clothing will also be
required to be disposed of with the waste and the company will reimburse you and you will
have to travel home in a protective suit.
12. Carefully ensure that the material is kept damp but not drenched to prevent dusts from entering the
atmosphere. When damping down ask any additional staff to leave the area. Follow the guidance
within EM5 Wetting Asbestos Essentials using amended water and a hand sprayer.
13. Where possible move the material by hand (ensure you are wearing gloves) rather than using a
machine. If a machine is required to move material then ensure that all staff are in a pre-agreed
safe area away from the machines working area.
14. Disposal of the Asbestos waste will require it to be double-bagged and labelled correctly.
15. If the asbestos is too big for the bags then it must be double wrapped in plastic sheeting
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Reviewed May 2024