Page 153 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 153
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
When tipping at any Transfer Station or Landfill site you must follow these site
a. You must not reverse into the building until instructed to do so by the site
Banksman or trained operative.
b. You must always ensure that the machine operators are aware of your
c. You must tip where you are directed to do so.
d. Always ensure that nobody walks directly behind your vehicle whilst you are
discharging your load.
e. Observe all site speed limits and take great care with regard to pedestrians.
f. Do not allow any other members of staff or any other persons to operate your
vehicle controls at any time. It is your responsibility to discharge your load
g. Do not walk under your raised tailgate or allow anyone else to do so unless a
tailgate prop is correctly in place.
h. Once your load has been tipped, you must not sort through the load or remove
any item of waste, unless instructed to do so by the site manager.
i. After your load has been discharged, you must lower your tailgate within 3
meters and then leave the tipping area.
j. You must not leave site without first obtaining a ticket from the
ticket/weighbridge office for the load you are tipping. There are no exceptions
to the rule as it is a condition of our site license that this is done.
k. Refrain from pushing or pulling 1100 Eurobins over kerbs, use drop kerbs
where possible and ensure that you are wearing lace up ankle boots. Dealer
style or Rigger boots should not be worn.
l. Extreme care must be taken when manoeuvring 1100 Euro Bins around cars
and property as they can cause considerable damage. Brakes must be applied
when they are left un-attended. During periods of extreme weather, wind and
ice it may be necessary for 2 people to steer the bin to and from the lorry.
m. Be aware of your surroundings when manoeuvring either the lorry or bins to
and from the lorry, looking out for vehicles, slip and trip hazards etc. If bins are
blocked in and you are unable to access them then please call your Operations
Manager for further instructions.
n. If you cause any damage to any property on or off site, no matter how small,
you must write down full details of the damage and how it was caused on your
Insurance Form. If you do cause such damage, you must call your Operations
Manager to report the incident, and the insurance form must be given to your
Operations Manager at the end of your working day. If the owner of the
property is present please ask them to call your Operations Manager who will
discuss any further actions.
o. Do not damage gateposts, piers, walls, trees or shrubs etc. If you are unable
to control your vehicle safely, ask your manager for assistance.
p. If waste to be collected is not as described on PurGo or is contaminated then
please do not lift the bin until you have spoken to your Operations Manager.
q. Fires can be started by collecting contaminated waste so please refer to the
section on dealing with Fires in Compaction Vehicles
r. Never leave waste in the vehicle overnight always discharge the load
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Reviewed May 2024