Page 148 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 148
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
Raising tipping body
Before commencing to tip the body, ensure that the vehicle is on level and stable
ground, all overhead hazards have been identified also be aware that high winds
will make tipping dangerous.
Whilst tipping on made-up ground on a landfill site or a transfer station stockpile,
do not reverse your vehicle to the edge of the tipping face. Always allow at least
3 metres from the rear wheels to the edge of the tipping face.
Before unloading ensure that the following has been undertaken:-
Manoeuvre the vehicle to the required position on site, or the tipping face (when
tipping on a landfill / recycling site, keep at least 3m from the tipping face). Be
aware of pedestrians or other vehicles behind or alongside you.
Stop and apply the handbrake.
Check for any overhead obstructions, cables, trees etc
If you need to exit the cab, full P.P.E. must be worn.
Release the tailboard
Ensure you are wearing your seatbelt and engage the P.T.O.
and elevate the crane; remove the sheet and activate the
tipping mechanism.
As the body lifts, ensure the load remains stable – if the vehicle becomes unstable
in any way, stop and slowly lower the body again. Investigate the cause of the
problem and clear any obstruction, before recommencing the tip.
As the material leaves the body, move slowly forward, to allow it to discharge
Check the body is empty. If any material remains inside, clear it manually (if safe to
do so), or request a machine to clear it for you.
When all the material has been discharged, close and secure the tailboard (clear
any material, which may prevent the tailboard from closing correctly).
Lower the crane into the body of the lorry
Ensure the rear number plate, all lights and marker boards are clean, before leaving
Check for stones, bricks, etc. caught between the rear wheels – remove any items,
before travelling on the road
Remember your Safe Zone and
Remember the Grab
Page 147 of 197
Reviewed May 2024