Page 48 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 48

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            9.20.1 Safe System of Work for Reversing

                  It is important that you realise what hazards to your own health & safety and that of
                  others including members of the public can arise from your work so that you can control
                  them. It is important to drive the vehicle to at least the standards required by the L.G.V.
                  test and the highway code (latest version) and to operate all the ancillary equipment in
                  a safe and competent manner. Never operate any vehicle or equipment unless you
                  have been trained in its use.


                  Reversing  is always a  high-risk  activity  and should be avoided  if at  all  possible  or
                  minimised. Reversing must always be carried out at the slowest vehicle speed
                  possible i.e. on a flat level surface the vehicle should be manoeuvred with the
                  engine on tick over and if on an incline you must use the lowest engine / vehicle
                  speed practical. Should the need still be to reverse the vehicle then the manoeuvre
                  MUST  be  controlled  and  where  necessary  using  a  reverse  assistant.  It  must  be
                  recognised however that using a reverse assistant can be dangerous as this is placing
                  a pedestrian in an area where machinery is moving and operating.
                  Before the Reversing Assistant disappears from view you must STOP and wait until
                  you can see them clearly before continuing.

                  When drivers do not have an assistant they must always carry out a visual check of
                  the area in which they are intending to reverse into before starting the reversing
                  procedure, if any doubt stop get out and look prior to the reverse manoeuvre being
                  carried out.

                  Reversing  assistants  sometimes  known  as  Banksman  are  defined  as  trained
                  employees who play an active part in reversing manoeuvres by giving prearranged
                  hand signals to drivers. Their role is to stop collisions with people other vehicles, plant,
                  or obstructions.
                  To do this they may:

                          Signal the driver to stop when it is unsafe to proceed
                          Be used to warn of, or divert, approaching vehicles and pedestrians
                          Act as a second pair of eyes to detect potential risks for the driver, and to
                           signal the driver to STOP when necessary.


                    Only trained reversing assistants/banksman should assist reversing vehicles.
                    Before making the manoeuvre, the driver and reversing assistant should agree who
                    will stand where.
                    Reversing assistants should NEVER stand directly behind the vehicle.
                    The correct position for the reversing assistant is 3 meters to the side of the vehicle
                    and 1 meter to the rear.
                    If reversing a vehicle into a bay then:

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