Page 77 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 77

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

               18.10 Working at Height on Structures
               The Work at Heights Regulations 2005 that all work at heights is properly managed and that
               the use of ladders is limited to short periods of work.
               Where there is a requirement to work at heights, i.e. on the exterior / interior of a building,
               structure  etc.  or  to  gain  access  to  inspect  a  roof,  the  company  will  provide  suitable  and
               sufficient safe access equipment to enable employees to gain access to the work site.
               This access equipment will range from stepladders, extension ladders, tower platforms, mobile
               elevated  work  platforms  and  scaffolding.  The  type  supplied  will  depend  on  the  type  and
               duration of the work, the height of the work and the results of the risk assessment.

               Where extension ladders are in use the following requirements must be complied with:
                   ✓  Ladders must be securely fixed near to the top or, if this is impracticable, near to the
                      bottom to prevent undue swaying.
                   ✓  Set on a firm level footing (not bricks).
                   ✓  Each stile must be properly supported.
                   ✓  Must extend at least 1.05m above the landing place, unless another suitable handhold
                      is provided.
                   ✓  Sufficient clear space at each rung to allow a safe foothold.
                   ✓  The vertical run of the ladder should not exceed 9m unless an intermediate landing has
                      been provided.
                   ✓  The ladder must be set at the correct angle, approximately 75 degrees – one measure
                      out for every four measures up.
                   ✓  The ladder must not n be lashed to any gutter or soil stack – which may be insecure.
                   ✓  Materials / tools are not to be carried in the hand whilst climbing or descending ladders,
                      both hands are to be used to hold on to the ladder.

               Where tower platforms are provided, they must be correctly erected, secured and access is
               only to be gained by using the inbuilt access ladders, not by climbing the tubular structure or
               leaning an extension against the tower.

               Where power operated elevated work platforms are provided, they must only be driven by
               licensed and qualified staff. Safety Harnesses are to be worn at all times whilst in the cage and
               operators / staff are not to climb from the cage on to scaffolding, roofs or other structures.

               Where scaffolding is provided, check that it has been inspected and is safe to use, it is not to
               be tampered with in any way and access is only to be gained by use of the fitted scaffold

               All landing places must be of adequate dimensions and if a person is liable to fall more than
               2m it   must be provided with a guard rail at a height between 910mm and 1150mm, a toe
               board at least 150mm high and the space between the board and the guard rail must not
               exceed 765mm.

               18.11 Roof Work
               18.12 Flat Roofs.
               When working on a flat roof where there is no parapet or similar barrier to stop anyone from
               falling, then edge protection must be provided. This can either be standard guardrails or toe
               boards or providing nobody will approach the edge, a barrier set back from the edge.

               Where work on the leading edge is actually in progress, then guardrails may be left off, subject
               to the safe system of work being in place and maintained to prevent falls. Barriers are to be
               erected or re-erected as soon as work ceases.

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