Page 79 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 79

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

               19 All Vehicles Reversing Safely

               19.1  Drivers
                      You must: -

                      NEVER reverse or drive forward without establishing where your blind spots
                      ALWAYS  check  that  there  are  no  pedestrians  or  obstructions  behind  your

                      NEVER rely on your mirrors alone. ALWAYS look over both shoulders

                      NEVER reverse further than is absolutely necessary.

                      Whenever possible arrange for a banksman to guide your manoeuvres.

                      The code of signals to be used is detailed in section 19.4 of this manual.
               Take signals from your guide only but react to an emergency signal to stop from

               19.2  Reversing Assistants/Traffic Marshalls/Banksman
                      Reversing Assistants/Traffic Marshalls/Banksman are defined as trained employees who
                      play an active part in reversing manoeuvres by giving prearranged hand signals to drivers.
                      Their role is to stop collisions by preventing the vehicle colliding with people and other road

                       To do this they can:

                      •     signal the vehicle driver to stop when it is unsafe to proceed;

                      •     Be used to warn of, or divert, approaching vehicles and pedestrians.

                      Additional  training  is  essential  for  reversing  assistants  when  they  are
                      expected to give directional signals and indicate clearance distances.

                      One of the roles of a reversing assistant is to act as a ‘second pair of eyes’ to detect potential
                      risks for the driver, and to signal the driver to stop when necessary.


                      ➢      Only trained reversing assistants should assist reversing vehicles.

                      ➢      Before making the manoeuvre, the driver and reversing assistant(s) should agree

                             who will stand where.

                      ➢      Reversing assistants should never stand directly behind the vehicle where they do

                             not have direct eye contact with the driver in his mirrors. There is significant risk of
                             serious injury or death if this is ignored.

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