Page 5 - CYAA2024 Winter Series entry notice
P. 5

        which  was  appointed  to  come  off  on  the  12   January,  1841;  and  so  it  did  in
        Hobsons Bay accordingly. The attendance was by no means a popular gathering
        in any sense, for it was confined to such of the well to do townsfolk as felt disposed
        for a brief change of air. There was no steamer accommodation; boating down the
        river was not much cared about and as for an overland excursion to Williamstown,
        the swampy, rocky, circuitous bush track by which it could only be made was not

        attractive to people journeying by vehicle, horse or foot. Several boat loads put off
        from  the  North  Beach  (Sandridge)  Superintendent  Latrobe  was  there  and  an
        indifferent town band, playing in the poop of the Eagle (flagship) contributed to a
        noisy  quota  of  discordant  music  to  infuse  some  very  doubtful  harmony  to  the
              There were six matches in all, with a general entrance payment of six

              1.      Sailing boats or craft trading in the port.
              2.      Six oared whale boats
              3.      Ships cutters (sailing)
              4.      Four oared gigs

             There were card prizes for jolly boats and dingies but they eventuated in
            A lunch was given on board the Eagle by Captain Buckley and there was a
        regatta ball the following evening at the Caledonian Hotel in Lonsdale Street.
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