Page 3 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 3
/ km]l/ O;|fPnLx¿n] v/faL u/] / k/dk|e'tkm{ lk7\o"F kmsf{P .
And again, the israelites did evil
and turned their backs on the Lord.
t/ o;kN6 pTkL8g olt g/fd|f] eof] ls O;|fPnLx¿ u'kmfx¿df
But this time the o re ion was so bad
/ o;}sf/0f pxfFn] pgLx¿nfO{ ;ft jif{;Dd ldBfgLx¿sf] n'Sg'k¥of] / kxf8x¿x'Fbf] cf]8f/x¿ / u9x¿ agfpg'k¥of] .
And for this reason he gave them over
the israelites had to hide in caves and
to the Midianites for seven years. prepare shelters in mountain clis.
xftdf ;'lDklbg'eof] .
ha ldBfgLx¿ / ltgLx¿sf ldqb]zx¿ O;|fPndf
When the Midianites and their aies
would come into israel they did
cfpFy], ta ltgLx¿n] Pp6} hLljt yf]s klg afFsL
not spare a living thing – neither
5f]8\b}gy], g s'g} e]F8f, uf]? jf uwf .
shp, cale or donkeys.
o;n] O;|fPnLx¿nfO{ olt sËfn agfOlbof] ls ltgLx¿n]
This so impoverished the
israelites that they caed
5'6sf/fsf] nflu k/d]Zj/nfO{ k'sf/f u/] .
out to God to deliver them.
d}n] ltdLx¿nfO{
ld>b]lv clg ltdLx¿sf
I snatched you
from Egypt and
pTkL8sx¿sf] xftb]lv 5'6fP/
your o re ors
NofPF, t/ ltdLx¿n] d]/f] s'/f ;'g]
yet you did not
listen to me.
gf} .
o; b]zsf b]
I said
jtfx¿nfO{ gk"h eg]/ d}
do not worship
the gods of this
n] ltdLx¿ eg]sf] lyPF t/
land but you have
ltdLx¿n] ;'g]gf} .
not listened
to me.
/ k/d]Zj/n] Pp6f eljiojQmf
And God answered
by sending a prophet.
k7fpg'eP/ o;sf] pQ/ lbg'eof] .
Gofostf{x¿ ^M!–!)
Judges 6:1-10
Judges 6:1-10