Page 6 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 6
ToxL /ft k/dk|e'n] lubf]gl;t km]l/ af]
That same night the Lord
Ng'eof] .
if I have found favor spoke to Gideon again… ======/ To;sf] 5]pdf
in your eyes give me a “…and cut
down the
sign that it is rea y ePsf] cz]/fsf] d"lt{
you talking to me. Asherah pole
sf6]/ 9flnb]pm .
Let me beside it.”
bring a sacrifice –
please wait until
I come back.
I wi .
I have
brought my afnsf lglDt agfOPsf] j]
sacrifice of meat “Tear down k/dk|e'sf] lglDt plrt 9Ën] Pp6f j]bL
bL eTsfOb]pm======
and unleavened your father’s “Build a proper kind of
oxfF agfpm .
bread to oer altar to B l…” altar to the Lord here.”
to the Lord.
Place lsg /flt g} oL ;a}
the meat and is Gideon
ub}{5g\ .
unleavened doing this
bread on this at night?
He is
cfˆgf] kl/jf/b]
afraid of
his family -
lv clg o; ;x/sf
and the men
dflg;x¿b]lv 8/fPsf]
of the
5 .
Ah, Sovereign csf]{ laxfg====== of] To;n]
He must
Lord! I have And Gideon The next Who did o;sf] d"No r'sfpg'k5{
sn the angel built an morning… s;n] u/]sf] < of] pay for this.
This wi greatly
of the Lord altar there it was . o;n] afnnfO{ lgs} qmf]lwt
cfzsf] 5f]/f
anger B l. We
face to to the Lord. Gideon - t'Nofpg]5 . xfdL of]cfzsxfF
face. the son of wi pay a visit
lubf]gn] .
hfg]5f}+ .
to Joash.
Do not
be afraid.
You are not
going to
die. I wi
ca this
“The Lord is
Judges 6:17-2 4 Gofostf{ ^M@%–@(
Judges 6:17-24
Judges 6:25-29
Judges 6:25-29