Page 10 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 10
There are
klg dflg;x¿ w]/} 5g\ .
sti t many
men. Take them down
ltgLx¿nfO{ tn vf]nfdf n}hf / ToxfF
to the water, and I
d ltgLx¿nfO{ t]/f] lglDt hfFRg]5' .
wi sift them for
you there.
ha d
if I say, “This
eG5', of] dflg;rflxF tF ;Fu
one sha go with
you,” he sha go;
hfg]5, ta Tof] hfg]5 / olb d of]
but if I say, “This one
dflg; tF ;Fu hfg]5}g egL eGg]5'
sha not go with
you,” he sha
ta Tof] hfg]5}g .
not go.
s''s'/n] em}
Separate those
F lha|f]n] kfgL rf6]/ lkpg]x¿ /
who lap the water
with their tongues like
3'F8f 6]s]/ kfgL lkpg]x¿nfO{ cnu
a dog from those
cnu u/ .
who knl down
to drink.
afFsL ;a} cfcfˆgf] 7fpFdf
rf6]/ The rest of you
With the men may return
hfpmg\ .
kfgL lkpg] #)) hgf
300 men that to your tents.
laed I wi save
dflg;x¿åf/f d ldBfgLx¿nfO{
you and give the
t]/f] xftdf ;'lDklbg]5' .
Midianites into
your hands.
This wi
xfdLl;t #))
leave us
only 300
dflg;x¿ dfq
afFsL eP .
Give those
#)) dflg;x¿nfO{
300 men the
trumpets and the
t'/xLx¿ / vfg]s'/f b]pm .
rest of the
Judges 7:4-8
Judges 7:4-8
Gofostf{x¿ &M$–*