Page 12 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 12

                  g} x] ;jf]{Rr k/d]Zj/
                   you have not
                  forgo en your
 Get up; go      tkfO{+n] cfˆgf hgx¿nfO{   O;|fPnsf
                   people Most
                                 have heard
 down to the       lal;{g'ePsf] 5}g .  dflg;x¿sf] kIfdf d}
                                  my prayer
 Midianite camp,     High God.  n] u/]sf] k|fy{gf tkfO{+n]
 because I am                    on behalf of                              Fo ow
                                  ;'Gg'ePsf] 5 .
 going to give                   your people                             k5\Øfpm – em§} .
                                                                            me –
 it into your                       israel.
 hand.                                                                     quickly!
 if you
 are afraid to
 a ack, go down
 to the camp with
 your servant
 Purah and listen
 to what they
 are saying.

 I had a
 dream; a round
 loaf of barley
 bread came
 tumbling into
 the Midianite

                                 p7 Û
                                 Get up!
                              k/dk|e'n] ldBfgLsf]
                              The Lord has
                            given the Midianite
                            5fpgLnfO{ ltdLx¿sf] xftdf
                             camp into your
                               ;'lDklbg'ePsf] 5 .

 This can be nothing
 other than the sword
 of Gideon.

 has given
 the Midianites
 it struck
 the tent with  and the whole
 such force that  camp into
 the tent over-  his hand.
 turned and
 co apsed.

                                            Judges 7:15
                                            Judges 7:15
 Judges 7:9-14                        Gofostf{ &M!%
 Judges 7:9-14
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