Page 13 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 13

        Each man
        s dflg;n] Ps
       is to take a
       trumpet and
      Pscf]6f t'/xL, ufu|f /
       a jar with a
       /fFsfx¿ n]cf];\ .
        lit torch.
        ca s] ug'{kg]{
      wi show us
     xf], lubf]gn] xfdLnfO{
       what to do
        b]vfpg]5 .

                                                     dflg;x¿nfO{ ;o
                                                    Divide the men
                                                      into thr
                                                   ;o hgfsf] bn u/L tLg
                                                    companies – of
                                                      efudf afF8\g" .
                                                     100 men each.

                       cu'jfO{nfO{ k5\Øfpm . ha                dWo kx/sf] nflu ltgLx¿n] kx/f rf}sL km]l//x]
                          Foow my
                                                                 Gideon and his men a ived
                       lead. When I get
                      d 5fpgLsf] 5]plg/ cfOk'U5',                just as they were changing
                      to the edge of the                        sf] a]nfdf lubf]g / p;sf dflg;x¿ cfOk'u] .
                                                                guards for the mi	le watch.
                      ltdLx¿n] h:tf] h:tf] d u5'{,
                       camp, do exactly
                           as I do.
                           To:t} ug"{ .

                                      Gofostf{ &M!^–!(
                                           Judges 7:16-19
                                           Judges 7:16-19
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