Page 16 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 16

             km]l/ Pslqt x'g'eGbf cufl8
                 Ca  out
             the other tribes
           O;|fPnsf cGo 3/fgfx¿nfO{ klg
             of israel to join us
           xfdLl;t ;fd]n x'gnfO{ af]nfpm .
             now before they
 A sword       can regroup.
 for the Lord
 and for
 Each man –
 hold your
 position.              b"tx¿
                    Me engers
                    Pk|mfOd, gKtfnL /
                   are on the way to     Have the men
                   Ephraim, Naphtali  of Ephraim seize the
                                      dflg;x¿nfO{ klxNo} ob{g
                    dg:;]sf af6fx¿df
                    and Mana eh.
                                     Jordan River ahead of
                       hfFb}5g\ .   gbLsf 3f6x¿ sAhf ug{ nufpm tfls
                                     the Midianites so they
                                     ldBfgLx¿ gbL t/]/ xfd|f] xftaf6
                                     caot cro  over and
                                     escape from our hands.
                                          efUg gkfpmg\ .
                  xfd|f dflg;x¿n]
                 Our men have                     xfdL                 ltdLx¿n]
                  taken the
                3f6x¿ sAhf ul/;s]sf         Pk|mfOdx¿ t ltdLx¿sf     What have I
                                             Ephraimites are
                                                                     u/]sf] t'ngfdf d}n]
                   fiords.                                          a„omplished
                                           your brothers and
                       5g\               bfh'efOx¿ xf}+ t/ ldBfgLx¿l;t   clxn] s] kf] u/]sf] 5' / <
                                           you did not ca  us
                                         n8\gsf nflu ltdLx¿n] xfdLnfO{   to you?
                                             to fight Midian.
                                               af]nfPgf} t .
                                                                                k/d]Zj/n] cf]/]a
                     ltdLx¿n]                                                   gave Oreb
                                                                                 and Z€b
                   Over there                                                  / hLanfO{ ltdLx¿sf]
                vf]lh/x]sf] ldBfgLx¿sf                                           into your
                 are the heads
               of Oreb and Z€b,
               b'O{ zf;sx¿ cf]/]a / hLasf                                      xftdf ;'lDklbg'eof] .
                two of the Midianite
                  6fpsfx¿ ToxfF 5g\
                leaders you were
           O{iof{n] hn]sf efOx¿nfO{ zfGt u/fPkl5
               After satisfying his
            jealous brothers, Gideon
            lubf]g / pgsf ylst dflg;x¿n] ob{g
              and his exhausted men
                    gbL t/]========
            cro ed the Jordan River…

 At the sounding of the 300 trumpets the
 Lord caused the men in the camp to panic.
 They turned on each other in the confusion.                               ltgLx¿ ;'Ssf]tsf] ;x/df
                                                                           They came to the
                                                                                cfOk'u] .
                                                                           town of Suoth.
 Gofostf{x¿ &M!(–@@                    Gofostf{x¿ &M@@–*M%
 Judges 7:19-22
 Judges 7:19-22
                                           Judges 7:22–8:5
                                           Judges 7:22–8:5
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