Page 11 - NEPALI_SB12_Judges2
P. 11

p7 / tn
                                   Get up; go
                                 ldBfgLsf] 5fpgLdfly
                                  down to the
                                 Midianite camp,
                                cfqmd0f u/\ lsgls d}
                                 because I am
                                 going to give
                                n] Tof] t]/f] xftdf ;'lD-
                                  it into your
                                    klbPsf] 5' .

                                                         olb tFnfO{
                                                          if you
                                                      cfqmd0f ug{ 8/ nfUof]
                                                       are afraid to
                                                     a ack, go down
                                                    eg] t]/f] ;]js k"/fxnfO{ lnP/
                                                     to the camp with
                                                       your servant
                                                    5fpgLdf em/ / ltgLx¿n] s]
                                                     Purah and listen
                                                       eGbf /x]5g\, ;'g\ .
                                                       to what they
                                                        are saying.
                                                  d}n] Pp6f
                                                  I had a
                                               dream; a round
                                                ;kgf b]v]F, hf}sf]
                                              loaf of barley
                                             Pp6f /f]6L u'8\b} ldBfgsf]
                                                bread came
                                               tumbling into
                                               5fpgLleq k:of] .
                                                the Midianite

                                                       Tof] lubf]gsf] t/jf/afx]s
                                                      This can be nothing
                                                     other than the sword
                                                         c¿ s]xL xf]Og .
                                                         of Gideon.

                                                                         has given
                        o;n]                                            the Midianites
                                                                        ldBfgLx¿ / k"/}
                      it struck
                                                                       and the whole
                   kfnnfO{ o;/L wSsf                                  5fpgLnfO{ pgsf] xftdf
                    the tent with
                  such force that
                 lbof] ls kfnnfO{ kN6fOlbof]                             camp into
                                                                         his hand.
                                                                         lbg'ePsf] 5 .
                   the tent over-
                     / kfn 9Nof] .
                     turned and
                     co apsed.
                                      Gofostf{x¿ &M(–!$
                                           Judges 7:9-14
                                           Judges 7:9-14
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